

eagerly 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Far too many republican leaders have eagerly fed that destructive anger .
- 太多的共和党领导人热切地激起了极具毁灭性的愤怒之情。
- Entrepreneurs and development organizations are eagerly seizing the opportunity presented by such growth .
- 企业家们和各种发展组织正热切地捕捉由这种增长所带来的机会。
- In the past , americans have always moved eagerly from slow-growing to fast-growing regions .
- 以往,美国人总是会热切地低增长地区搬到高增长地区。
- In this household , every chance to learn something new is eagerly seized , explains mrs allen .
- 艾伦解释说,他们家的孩子热切地捕捉每一个能学到新东西的机会。
- Their enthusiasm was encouraged by banks , which eagerly lent them money to buy shares .
- 银行急切的借钱供他们买股票的行为激发了他们的热情。
- I looked up eagerly , hoping it was the line boss , or even father .
- 我急切地望去,希望是车间经理,甚至父亲也行啊。
- Indeed , many had eagerly awaited his return .
- 事实上,很多都急切地期待他的归来。
- Commentators who cannot abide her frosty pragmatism eagerly predict her demise whenever she faces setbacks .
- 不能忍受她冷酷实用主义的评论员,总是在任何她面临挫折的时候急切地预测她权力的终止。
- The millions of russians sympathetic to the protests are eagerly waiting for these ideas .
- 数百万同情抗议者的俄罗斯人正急切地期待这些观点。
- The expert leaned forward eagerly and grasped the book . The title ?
- 专家急切地倾身抓起书,书名?