
Dimitri 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- She wondered if she and dimitri were the only tenants in their building home tonight ; home instead of out at a club or a movie , like normal people on saturday nights .
- 她想知道她和迪米特里是不是今夜楼里唯一在家的住户,而不像其他普通人那样,在周六晚上通常是在夜总会或电影院度过。
- Dimitri simes , head of the nixon centre in washington dc , says the friction among deputies is destabilising the work of the government .
- 华盛顿尼克松中心(nixoncentre)会长德米特里西默斯(dimitrisimes)表示,副手之间的摩擦扰乱了政府的工作。
- " We like to see what these people spend their money on " , explains the curator , dimitri ozerkov .
- 馆长dimitriozerkov就此解释说:“我们想借此来了解他们这些人将钱花在了什么地方”。
- " All canadians know that queen elizabeth ii is the head of state , " huffed dimitri soudas , the prime minister 's spokesman .
- 总理发言人dimitrisoudas怒道,“所有的加拿大人都知道伊丽莎白女王二世是国家首脑”。
- She pictured dimitri folding her clothes , putting his hands all over them . A chill crawled down the back of her neck and spread to her shoulders .
- 她想象着迪米特里把手放在她的衣服上叠衣服的样子,一股寒气爬到了她脖子后面,并延伸到肩膀。
- Your sister is with dimitri .
- 你妹妹和迪米特在一块儿。
- The russian , dimitri . You found him ?
- 那个俄罗斯人迪米特你找到他了?
- Dimitri , do you really think I 'm royalty ?
- 迪米崔,你认为我真是皇族吗?
- Dimitri stood up and stretched his limbs . He said , " here , let me help you . "
- 狄米崔站了起来伸展了下四肢,说道:“嘿,我给你搭把手吧。”
- Dimitri was curled up inside the dryer like a folded sock , lying in a ball with his arms wrapped around his bent knees .
- 狄米崔蜷在烘干机里就像一只被折起来的袜子一样,他双臂围住弯曲着的双膝就像躺在一个球里面。