Diane 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Diane 's been messing around with a married man .
- 黛安娜一直和一个已婚男人关系暖味。
- I wrote to a girl in england named diane , telling her of the high school I attended and of my interest in music and art .
- 我给一位叫黛安的英格兰女孩写了一封信,向她描述我就读的中学的情况,告诉她我对音乐和艺术很感兴趣。
- When the hitman leaves diane a key , we know camilla 's dead .
- 当杀手给diane留下了一把钥匙时,我们知道camilla已经死了。
- If she were more diane keaton have been more successful with men like woody and warren ?
- 如果dianekeaton专横一些,那么她和像woody和warren的男人的关系会否更更成功呢?
- He also looks menacing , so diane simply exaggerated him in her dream .
- 他看上去也是充满威胁的,因此diane在梦里简单地夸大了这个形象。
- Diane smiled again at sergeant foster and his face went redder .
- 黛安娜又朝着福斯特警官笑,他的脸变得更红了。
- I sat next to a girl whose name was diane .
- 我当时坐在一个名叫黛安娜的女孩身边。
- She says she remembers wearing a diane von furstenberg wrap dress and sandals to the interview , but not much about the interview itself .
- 她自己回忆说当时是身穿黛安冯芙丝汀宝的连衣裙,脚踢一双拖鞋去面试的,而关于面试本身的情况自己已经基本忘掉了。
- Are you going back to diane ?
- 你会回到戴安身边吗?
- Her name is diane huxley .
- 她叫戴安赫斯利。