

n.乌鸦( crow的名词复数 );雄鸡的啼声
v.公鸡啼鸣( crow的第三人称单数 );(婴儿)欢叫;(尤指在其他人不成功时)扬扬自得地夸口;自鸣得意

crows 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

I used online music comparison services to find 2 awesome bands with similar music styles to my favorite band , counting crows .
The agonizing victim would remain in this position for days as crows and insects feasted on him or her until death .
A series of experiments have revealed for the first time that crows have the ability to differentiate between photographs of male and female subjects .
This year we learnt that asian elephants are as clever as chimpanzees when it comes to teamwork , pigeons can count , wasps and crows never forget a face , and dogs can sniff out cancer .
The scientists identified ' urban adapters ' as crows , wrens and tits which all come from the same family and all have larger brains compared to their bodies .
A wren : researchers identified ' urban adapters ' as crows , wrens and tits which all come from the same family and all have larger brains compared to their bodies
Skip to next paragraphjohn m. marzluff , a wildlife biologist at the university of washington , has studied crows and ravens for more than 20 years and has long wondered if the birds could identify individual researchers .
The badly damaged coastal neighborhoods of ishinomaki , for example , were so quiet on thursday that one of the only sounds was that of crows . By friday , streets were filled with police and a constant buzz of helicopters overhead .
Crows and their relatives - among them ravens , magpies and jays - are renowned for their intelligence and for their ability to flourish in human-dominated landscapes . That ability may have to do with cross-species social skills .
Though dr. marzluff 's is the first formal study of human face recognition in wild birds , his preliminary findings confirm the suspicions of many other researchers who have observed similar abilities in crows , ravens , gulls and other species .