Corso 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Patrick corso , the firm 's other hong kong office chief , is staying put .
- 该办事处的另一位负责人帕特里克•科尔索仍留任原职。
- Mr. corso , what have you got for me ?
- 高素先生,你有什么发现?
- This is where you 'll find fashion-forward international concept stores like milan 's 10 corso como alongside home-grown havens of chic such as jardin de chouette and johnny hates jazz .
- 在这里你会找到前卫的国际品牌概念商店,比如米兰的10corsocomo,还有本土时装大牌如jardindechouette和johnnyhatesjazz。
- Carla sozzani , whose 10 corso como store sets the fashion pace in milan , also is enthusiastic about the fast fashion collaborations - when they are under her own retail control .
- carlasozzani在米兰拥有10家corsocomo店,她也热衷于快时尚的合作将合作置于她的零售体系之中。