May god bless your efforts , and may god bless america .
Godly goals -- the kind god will bless -- must be motivated by love .
Giving by reason just means that you give based on what you can afford . But I 'll tell you , god doesn 't bless that kind of giving .
When we take bread , bless it , break it , and give it with the words " this is the body of christ , " we express our commitment to make our lives conform to the life of christ .
The prevalent reasoning is that if god is a good , healing , delivering god , whose desire is only to protect and bless his children , then a christian should not have to suffer .
And the lord your god will bless you in everything you do .
I will bless her and willsurely give you a son by her .
This gives you the opportunity to pray for and bless the other , thereby blessing yourself .
Which market , or investment technique , will the regulators bless ?