

blessedness 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- I am waiting for my blessedness !
- 我正等我的幸福!
- Love an person is blessedness or disaster , passively love is blessedness or luck ?
- 爱一个人是幸福还是不幸福,被爱是幸福还是幸运?
- It is impossible to stand before greater blessedness than this which I beheld .
- 如果想要矗立在比我所见的更多的福分面前,那真是天方夜谭。
- Blessed is he who found his work , let him ask no other blessedness .
- 幸运的是让那人找到他的职志,而使他不再索求别的眷顾。
- The last talk wasn 't like before , which had debate , but was more blessedness .
- 临别的谈话不像以前那样偶尔会有点争论,更多的是互道珍重。
- Encounter a doggie namely encounter blessedness !
- 遇见一只狗,就是遇见一种幸福!
- A sense of blessedness comes from a change of heart , not from more blessings .
- 幸福感来源于内心的改变,而非祈求。
- The blessedness , it is what we want to have and expect it fervidly .
- 幸福,是明白什么是我们想要的,以及充满热情地去期望。
- Paradise is the love of god , wherein is the enjoyment of all blessedness , and there the blessed paul partook of supernatural nourishment .
- 乐园是对上帝的爱,人在乐园享受一切福乐,在那蒙福者保罗尝到了超性的食粮。
- Happy the believer who realizes his high calling , and the privilege and blessedness of consecrating his life entirely to god 's service .
- 如果一个信徒真正认识这个崇高的呼召,也认识因他一生奉献给主而得的特权和祝福,他的生活就要何等的喜乐!