Aral 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The northern aral 's surface span has grown by 20 percent and fish and bird species are starting to return .
- 咸水湖北部的跨度已经增长了百分之二十,还有各种鱼和鸟也开始回来了。
- Aral and walker then built a model of the app 's " contagion " through this massive social network .
- 希南和戴拉随后建立了该app的通过大规模社交网络的‘感染’模型。
- Never the most hospitable of places , karakalpakstan was then turned into a vast arena of destruction by the aral sea disaster .
- 卡拉卡尔帕克斯坦从来不是一个宜居的地方,由于咸海的生态灾难,这里变成了一个遭受到毁灭性破坏的辽阔区域。
- The aral sea is an endorheic saline lake in central asia located between kazakhstan and uzbekistan .
- 咸海是一个位于中亚的内流咸水湖,坐落于卡扎科斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦之间。
- By today the drying aral sea has moved 100 km away from its former coastline near muinak , uzbekistan .
- 到今天逐渐干涸的咸海已经退到离之前海岸线100公里远,位于乌兹别克斯坦的穆伊纳克附近。
- A visit to central asia - to the shrinking and polluted aral sea , for example - provides evidence of that .
- 一次中亚细亚之行比如奔赴正在收缩,并被严重污染的咸海也会收集到此类证据。
- A line of abandoned fishing boats marks the aral sea 's waterline of decades ago .
- 一排废弃的渔船标志着几十年前咸海的吃水线。
- Before the shallowing the aral sea was the fourth biggest lake in the world .
- 在此之前咸海曾是世界第四大湖。
- The shrinking aral sea has also had a noticeable affect on the region 's climate .
- 消失中的咸海也对当地气候产生了明显影响。
- A secondary effect of the reduction in the aral sea 's overall size is the rapid exposure of the lake bed .
- 咸海总面积减少带来的第二个影响是湖床在迅速地暴露。