
英语作文    发布时间:2024-10-21  



  1. Credit Card

    • Example: I applied for a credit card to manage my expenses better.

    • 翻译:我申请了一张信用卡以更好地管理我的开支。

  2. Issuer

    • Example: The issuer of my credit card offers great rewards.

    • 翻译:我信用卡的发行机构提供了很好的奖励。

  3. Credit Limit

    • Example: My credit limit is $5,000, which helps me make larger purchases.

    • 翻译:我的信用额度是5000美元,这帮助我进行较大的消费。

  4. Interest Rate

    • Example: The interest rate on my credit card is quite high if I miss a payment.

    • 翻译:如果我错过付款,我的信用卡利率会相当高。

  5. Annual Fee

    • Example: Some credit cards charge an annual fee, while others do not.

    • 翻译:一些信用卡收取年费,而其他的则不收取。

  6. Reward Points

    • Example: I earn reward points for every dollar I spend on my credit card.

    • 翻译:我每花一美元就能在信用卡上赚取奖励积分。

  7. Cash Back

    • Example: This credit card offers 2% cash back on all purchases.

    • 翻译:这张信用卡在所有消费中提供2%的现金返还。

  8. Balance Transfer

    • Example: I transferred my balance to a card with a lower interest rate.

    • 翻译:我将余额转移到一张利率较低的信用卡上。

  9. Minimum Payment

    • Example: The minimum payment for this month is $50.

    • 翻译:本月的最低还款额是50美元。

  10. Due Date

    • Example: Make sure to pay your bill before the due date to avoid late fees.

    • 翻译:确保在到期日前支付账单,以避免滞纳金。

  11. Grace Period

    • Example: My credit card has a 30-day grace period for payments.

    • 翻译:我的信用卡有30天的宽限期用于付款。

  12. Credit Score

    • Example: A good credit score can help you get better credit card offers.

    • 翻译:良好的信用评分可以帮助你获得更好的信用卡优惠。

  13. Fraud Protection

    • Example: Most credit cards offer fraud protection against unauthorized charges.

    • 翻译:大多数信用卡提供对未授权收费的欺诈保护。

  14. PIN (Personal Identification Number)

    • Example: You need to enter your PIN to complete the transaction.

    • 翻译:你需要输入个人识别码才能完成交易。

  15. Statement

    • Example: I review my credit card statement every month to track my spending.

    • 翻译:我每个月查看我的信用卡对账单,以跟踪我的消费。

  16. Transaction

    • Example: Each transaction on my credit card is recorded for my review.

    • 翻译:我信用卡上的每笔交易都会被记录以供我审查。

  17. Overlimit Fee

    • Example: I was charged an overlimit fee for exceeding my credit limit.

    • 翻译:我因超过信用额度而被收取了超限费。

  18. Secured Credit Card

    • Example: A secured credit card requires a cash deposit as collateral.

    • 翻译:担保信用卡需要现金存款作为抵押。

  19. Unsecured Credit Card

    • Example: An unsecured credit card does not require a deposit.

    • 翻译:无担保信用卡不需要存款。

  20. Foreign Transaction Fee

    • Example: I was charged a foreign transaction fee while traveling abroad.

    • 翻译:我在国外旅行时被收取了外汇交易费。

  21. Credit Utilization

    • Example: Keeping your credit utilization below 30% is beneficial for your credit score.

    • 翻译:保持信用利用率低于30%有利于你的信用评分。

  22. Pre-Approved Offer

    • Example: I received a pre-approved offer for a new credit card in the mail.

    • 翻译:我收到了邮寄的预先批准的新信用卡优惠。

  23. Online Banking

    • Example: Online banking makes it easy to manage my credit card account.

    • 翻译:网上银行使我可以轻松管理我的信用卡账户。

  24. Chargeback

    • Example: I initiated a chargeback after receiving a defective product.

    • 翻译:在收到缺陷产品后,我发起了退款请求。

  25. Credit Agreement

    • Example: Always read the credit agreement before signing up for a card.

    • 翻译:在申请信用卡之前一定要阅读信用协议。

  26. Customer Service

    • Example: I called customer service to resolve an issue with my card.

    • 翻译:我打电话给客服以解决我信用卡的问题。

  27. Cardholder

    • Example: As a cardholder, you are responsible for paying your bills on time.

    • 翻译:作为持卡人,你有责任按时支付账单。

  28. Authorization

    • Example: The merchant needs to get authorization for the transaction.

    • 翻译:商家需要获得交易的授权。

  29. Statement Closing Date

    • Example: The statement closing date is when your billing cycle ends.

    • 翻译:账单关闭日期是你的账单周期结束的时间。

  30. Merchant

    • Example: I used my credit card to make a purchase from an online merchant.

    • 翻译:我使用信用卡在一家在线商户那里购物。

  31. Payment Plan

    • Example: I set up a payment plan to pay off my credit card debt gradually.

    • 翻译:我制定了一个还款计划,以逐步偿还信用卡债务。

  32. Identity Theft

    • Example: Credit cards can be a target for identity theft if not used securely.

    • 翻译:如果使用不当,信用卡可能成为身份盗窃的目标。

  33. Contactless Payment

    • Example: I love using contactless payment for quick transactions.

    • 翻译:我喜欢使用非接触式支付进行快速交易。

  34. Billing Cycle

    • Example: My credit card billing cycle lasts for 30 days.

    • 翻译:我的信用卡账单周期为30天。

  35. Default

    • Example: If you default on your payments, your credit score will suffer.

    • 翻译:如果你未能按时还款,你的信用评分会受到影响。

  36. Debt

    • Example: It’s important to manage credit card debt to avoid financial troubles.

    • 翻译:管理信用卡债务以避免财务问题是很重要的。

  37. Spending Limit

    • Example: Each card has a spending limit based on the cardholder's creditworthiness.

    • 翻译:每张卡的消费限额基于持卡人的信用等级。

  38. Billing Address

    • Example: Make sure your billing address matches the address on file with your issuer.

    • 翻译:确保你的账单地址与发行机构记录的地址一致。

  39. Late Fee

    • Example: I was charged a late fee for not paying my bill on time.

    • 翻译:我因未能按时支付账单而被收取滞纳金。

  40. Fraudulent Activity

    • Example: I reported fraudulent activity on my credit card to the bank immediately.

    • 翻译:我立即向银行报告了我信用卡上的欺诈活动。

  41. Credit Counseling

    • Example: Credit counseling can help you manage your credit card debt effectively.

    • 翻译:信用咨询可以帮助你有效地管理信用卡债务。

  42. Expiration Date

    • Example: Don't forget to check the expiration date on your credit card.

    • 翻译:不要忘记检查你信用卡的有效期。

  43. Payment History

    • Example: Your payment history is a significant factor in determining your credit score.

    • 翻译:你的支付历史是决定信用评分的重要因素。

  44. Balance

    • Example: Always check your balance before making a new purchase on your credit card.

    • 翻译:在用信用卡进行新消费之前,一定要检查你的余额。

  45. Sign-Up Bonus

    • Example: I received a sign-up bonus after spending a certain amount on my new credit card.

    • 翻译:在我的新信用卡上消费达到一定金额后,我获得了注册奖励。

  46. Promotional Offer

    • Example: The bank is offering a promotional offer for zero interest on balance transfers for six months.

    • 翻译:银行正在提供六个月内余额转移零利率的促销优惠。

  47. Credit Card Fraud

    • Example: Credit card fraud is a serious issue that can affect anyone.

    • 翻译:信用卡欺诈是一个严重问题,可能影响任何人。

  48. Statement Period

    • Example: The statement period for my credit card is from the 1st to the 30th of each month.

    • 翻译:我的信用卡的账单周期是每月1日到30日。

  49. Credit Card Processing Fee

    • Example: Some merchants charge a credit card processing fee for using a credit card.

    • 翻译:一些商家因使用信用卡而收取信用卡处理费。

  50. Financial Responsibility

    • Example: Practicing financial responsibility is crucial when using credit cards.

    • 翻译:使用信用卡时,保持财务责任感至关重要。
