
英语作文    发布时间:2024-02-28  



1. Blame - 责怪,责备
2. Reproach - 指责,谴责
3. Scold - 责骂,斥责
4. Fault - 过错,责任
5. Accuse - 控告,指责
6. Chide - 责备,斥责
7. Rebuke - 斥责,谴责
8. Reprimand - 训斥,谴责
9. Censure - 批评,谴责
10. Hold responsible - 使承担责任


A: I'm really sorry about what happened. I feel like it's all my fault.
B: Don't blame yourself. It was an accident, and we all make mistakes.
A: But I should have been more careful.
B: Accidents happen, and there's no point in dwelling on it. Let's just move forward and learn from it.

A: 我真的很抱歉发生了什么。我觉得这都是我的错。
B: 不要责怪自己。那是个意外,我们都会犯错。
A: 但我本应该更小心的。
B: 意外总是会发生,纠结于此没有意义。让我们向前看,从中学习。


The Art of Accepting Blame

In life, we often find ourselves in situations where we are blamed for something that went wrong. It's natural to feel defensive and want to shift the blame elsewhere. However, learning to accept responsibility and blame gracefully can be a powerful tool for personal growth.

When we are blamed, it's important to take a step back and objectively assess the situation. If we are indeed at fault, acknowledging our mistake and apologizing sincerely can go a long way in mending relationships and restoring trust. It shows maturity and integrity, qualities that are highly valued in both personal and professional settings.

On the other hand, if we are wrongly accused, it's crucial to remain calm and communicate our perspective clearly. Defending ourselves without resorting to blame can help us maintain our dignity and prevent the situation from escalating.

Ultimately, whether we are right or wrong, how we handle blame says a lot about our character. It's not about winning or losing an argument, but about growing as individuals and learning from our experiences.







❶ 我早说过了吧。I told you so.

对话 A: We should have come to the station earlier. 我们应该早点到车站的。

B: I told you so. 我早说过了吧。

❷ 那是瞎说! That's a lie!

同类表达 That's a filthy lie. 那纯属骗人。

对话 A: He drank too much. 他喝得太多了。

B: That's a lie! 那是瞎说!

❸ 这是你的过错。You're to blame.

同类表达 It's your mistake.

It's all your fault.

❹ 别骗我。Don't lie to me.

对话 A: Don't lie to me, anyway. 无论怎样,别骗我。

B: I promise. 我保证。

❺ 你怎么能做那样的事呢?How could you do something like that?

对话 A: How could you do something like that? 你怎么能做那样的事呢?

B: Sorry about that, I wasn't thinking. 很抱歉,我当时没多想。

❻ 瞧你都干了些什么啊!Now look what you've done!

这样回答 I just performed my responsibility. 我只是做了我该做的。

Come on. It's not that bad. 拜托,没那么糟糕好不好。

❼ 你干吗老挑我的刺?Why are you picking on me?

对话 A: Why are you picking on me? 你干吗老挑我的刺?

B: I am just telling the truth. 我只是说事实而已。

❽ 你开玩笑也该适可而止。I've had enough of your nonsense.

同类表达 Stop fooling us. 别捉弄人。

对话 A: Stop! I've had enough of your nonsense. 停!你开玩笑也该适可而止。

B: I'm just kidding. 我只是开个玩笑。

❾ 别逗了! Don't pull my leg.

同类表达 Don't talk nonsense!

Don't talk stupid!

❿ 我不想再听你说的谎话。I don't want to hear any more of your lies.

同类表达 I don't want to hear your bull.

I don't want to hear you lying to me any more.