
英语作文    发布时间:2024-09-20  



Job Inquiry - 职位询问

Position - 职位

Responsibilities - 职责

Qualifications - 资格

Company Culture - 公司文化

Salary - 薪资

Benefits - 福利

Opportunities - 机会

Application - 申请

Interview - 面试


In the job search process, inquiring about a position is a crucial step. This inquiry typically occurs during the interview or application process, where candidates have the opportunity to ask questions about the role they are applying for. It is essential for candidates to understand the specific responsibilities and qualifications required for the position, as well as the overall company culture.

Asking questions about the job can demonstrate a candidate’s genuine interest in the role. For instance, inquiring about opportunities for professional development or the team dynamics can provide insight into whether the position aligns with the candidate’s career goals. Additionally, understanding the salary and benefits offered is vital for evaluating the overall compensation package.

Moreover, this exchange of information benefits both the candidate and the employer. While candidates assess if the job is a good fit, employers gauge the candidate’s enthusiasm and engagement. Therefore, effective communication during this phase is key.

In conclusion, asking questions about a position is not just about gathering information; it is an integral part of the job search process that helps ensure a mutually beneficial match between candidates and employers.






❶ 我打电话是想询问贵公司是否在招人。I'm calling to inquire if your company is hiring.

❷ 请问你们还缺人吗?Do you still have any vacancy?

这样回答 I'm sorry. The vacancy is filled already. 很抱歉,我们已经招到人了。

❸ 我想知道该空缺职位的更多信息。I would like to find out more about the opening.

同类表达 What kind of job is it? 这是什么类型的工作?

What does the position require for an applicant? 这个职位对应聘者有什么要求?

❹ 我打电话来是想询问贵公司是否还有空缺职位。I'm calling to inquire if your company has any openings.

同类表达 Are there any openings in your company? 贵公司有空缺职位吗?

❺ 我听说贵公司有些空缺职位。I'm told that there are some job vacancies in your company.

同类表达 I know that there are some job opportunities in your company. 我知道贵公司有一些工作机会。

❻ 这份工作需要具备哪些条件?What are the requirements for the job?

同类表达 What are the qualifications you are requesting for the job? 应聘这份工作需要具备什么条件?

❼ 他们需要两年以上的工作经验。They need two-year working experience or above.

同类表达 I am afraid that I am not qualified. 我担心我不符合资格。

I heard that they will also consider fresh graduates. 我听说他们也会考虑录用刚毕业的学生。

❽ 我想了解空缺职位的详细信息。I'd like to know more about the opening.

❾ 我想确认一下该职位是否已经招满。I want to check about the availability of this position.

这样回答 We still have one opening. 我们还有一个空缺。

❿ 你们需要有商务英语背景的人吗?Do you need anyone with a business English background?

同类表达 Do you want an experienced software engineer? 你们需要有经验的软件工程师吗?