名篇背诵:Serene Burial-ground 寂静的墓园

英语作文    发布时间:2024-06-13  

Serene Burial-ground 寂静的墓园

沃尔特·斯各特(Walter Scott)

It is a spot which possesses all the solemnity of feeling attached to a burial-ground,without exciting those of a more unpleasing description.The monuments, of which there are not above seven or eight, are half sunk in the ground, and overgrown with moss. No newly-erected tomb disturbs the sober serenity of our reflections by reminding us of recent calamity, and no rank-springing grass forces upon our imagination the recollection, that it owes its dark luxuriance to the foul and festering remnants of mortality which ferment beneath. The daisy which sprinkles the sod, and the harebell which hangs over it, derive their pure nourishment from the dew of heaven, and their growth impresses us with no degrading or disgusting recollections. Death has indeed been here, and its traces are before us; but they are softened and deprived of their horror by our distance from the period when they have been first impressed. Those who sleep beneath are only connected with us by the reflection, that they have once been what we now are, and that, as their relics are now identified with their mother earth, ours shall, at some future period, undergo the same transformation .

- solemnity [səˈlemnɪtɪ] n. 庄严,肃穆

- fester [ˈfestə] v. 溃烂,腐烂

- mortality [mɔːˈtælətɪ] n. 死亡

- ferment [ˈfɜːmənt] n. 发酵

- harebell [ˈheəbel] n. 圆叶风铃草

- transformation [ˌtrænsfəˈmeɪʃn] n. 改变,变化


沃尔特·斯各特(Walter Scott),全名为沃尔特·斯各特爵士(Sir Walter Scott),是19世纪初期苏格兰著名的作家、诗人和历史学家。他于1771年8月15日出生在苏格兰的爱丁堡,并于1832年9月21日去世。

斯各特被广泛认为是历史小说的奠基人之一,他的作品对现代小说的发展产生了深远的影响。他最著名的小说包括《艾凡赫》(Ivanhoe)、《罗布·罗伊》(Rob Roy)、《威弗利》(Waverley)以及《夸特曼》(The Heart of Midlothian)。



沃尔特·斯各特不仅是一位成功的作家,也是爱丁堡的知名律师和法官。他以其博学多才和对苏格兰文学的贡献,被授予爵士头衔,并在他死后受到了极高的尊敬和纪念。斯各特的故居——阿伯茨福德庄园(Abbotsford House),现已成为一座博物馆,吸引着来自世界各地的游客。