
英语作文    发布时间:2023-12-20  



Renovation - 翻新

Interior design - 室内设计

Remodeling - 改建

Flooring - 地板

Paint - 油漆

Wallpaper - 墙纸

Lighting - 照明

Door and window - 门窗

Furniture - 家具

Décor - 装饰

Fixture - 固定装置

Hardware - 五金配件

Plumbing - 管道

Electrical - 电气设备

Insulation - 绝缘材料

Contractor - 承包商

Permit - 许可证

Architect - 建筑师

Blueprint - 蓝图

Estimate - 估价

Demo (short for demolition) - 拆除

Drywall - 石膏板

Trim - 饰板

Molding - 模压成型件

Baseboard - 踢脚线

Caulk - 灌缝料

Grout - 瓷砖填缝料

Glaze - 上光剂

Sandpaper - 砂纸

Stud - 构造横梁

Joint compound - 接缝填充剂

Taping knife - 涂胶刀

Putty knife - 抹灰刀

Level - 水平仪

Screwdriver - 螺丝刀

Hammer - 锤子

Drill - 钻机

Saw - 锯子

Nail - 钉子

Staple gun - 打钉枪



A: Have you started the renovation yet?

B: Yes, we just finished the demolition phase and are moving onto the electrical and plumbing work.

A: That sounds like a lot of work. Do you have a contractor doing it for you?

B: Yes, we hired a contractor to oversee the entire project. It's been really helpful to have someone with experience guide us through the process.

A: That's great to hear. What kind of changes are you making to your home?

B: We're adding an additional bathroom and redesigning the kitchen layout to make it more open and spacious.

A: Those sound like great improvements. Good luck with the rest of the renovation!

B: Thank you, we're excited to see the final result.


A: I noticed you've been buying a lot of paint and supplies lately. Are you working on a renovation project?

B: Yes, my husband and I are updating our living room. We're repainting, installing new flooring, and getting new furniture.

A: Sounds like a big project. Have you hired any professionals to help?

B: No, we're doing most of the work ourselves. We've watched a lot of DIY videos and feel confident in our abilities.

A: That's impressive. Do you have a timeline for when you hope to finish?

B: We're aiming to finish in about two weeks. We want to have everything done before the holidays.

A: Good luck with the renovation. I can't wait to see how it turns out!

B: Thank you, we're excited to see the finished product as well.


A: I heard you had some trouble with your renovation project.

B: Yes, unfortunately we ran into some unexpected issues. We discovered some water damage and had to replace some of the drywall.

A: That's too bad. Did it set you back on your timeline?

B: Yes, it pushed us back about a week. We had to wait for the new drywall to arrive and then install it.

A: Did it end up costing you more money too?

B: Yes, we had to pay for the materials and labor to fix the damage. It was definitely an unexpected expense.

A: Well, I'm glad to hear everything is back on track now. Hopefully there won't be any more surprises.

B: Agreed, we're just looking forward to finishing the project and enjoying our newly renovated space.


My Home Renovation Experience 我家的装修经历

During the past few months, I have been undertaking a home renovation project, completely transforming the look and feel of my living space. It has been an exciting and challenging journey, filled with ups and downs.

The decision to renovate came after years of living in the same old house. I wanted to create a more modern and functional environment that suited my family's needs. The first step was to hire an architect who helped me design the blueprint for the renovation.

The renovation process began with the demolition phase. Walls were torn down, old flooring was removed, and outdated fixtures were dismantled. Witnessing the transformation from a cluttered space to an empty canvas was both thrilling and nerve-wracking.

Next came the electrical and plumbing work. Skilled professionals installed new wiring and outlets, ensuring that everything met safety standards. The plumbing system was updated to prevent any future leaks or issues.

Once the infrastructure was in place, it was time to focus on the aesthetics. I spent hours selecting the perfect paint colors, considering the lighting, and choosing flooring materials. I also invested in new furniture and decor to complete the desired look.

Throughout the renovation, there were unexpected challenges. Delays in material deliveries, unforeseen structural issues, and budget constraints tested my patience and problem-solving skills. However, with the support of my contractor and a positive mindset, I managed to overcome each obstacle.

As the renovation neared completion, I felt a sense of accomplishment and anticipation. The vision I had for my home was finally becoming a reality. The final touches, such as hanging artwork and arranging furniture, brought the whole project together.

Now, as I walk through my newly renovated home, I am filled with joy and satisfaction. The space feels fresh, inviting, and aligned with my personal style. It is a place where my family can create lasting memories and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle.

In conclusion, my home renovation experience has been a mix of excitement, challenges, and fulfillment. It required careful planning, patience, and a willingness to adapt to unexpected circumstances. Ultimately, the result was worth every effort and investment. My renovated home is now a reflection of my personality and a sanctuary that I am proud to call my own.











❶ 你打算怎么装修?How do you plan to decorate it?

这样回答 I plan to repaint our house by myself. 我想自己把房子再粉刷一遍。

I want to make it more colorful and attractive. 我想让它变得更富有色彩,更加迷人。

❷ 我们的房子需要翻修一下。Our house needs a renovation.

❸ 你对卧室的装修有什么建议吗?Do you have any suggestions for decorating the bedroom?

这样回答 We can ask someone to draw a picture on the wall. 我们可以叫人帮我们在墙上画幅画。

❹ 我打算在阳台上安一个花架。I plan to fix a flower stand on the balcony.

对话 A: I plan to fix a flower stand on the balcony. 我打算在阳台上安一个花架。

B: It's troublesome. 太麻烦了。

❺ 咱们把房子改建一下怎么样?What about remodeling our house?

同类表达 I am thinking about redecorating our house. 我想要重新装修一下我们的房子。

这样回答 Maybe we should make a blueprint first. 也许我们应该先画个蓝图。

The roof has leaks in it, and the front steps need to be fixed.

❻ 这里应该有个大的开放空间。There should be a large open space.

对话 A: There should be a large open space where we can get together. 这里应该有个大的开放空间,可以供我们聚会用。

B: Good idea. I was thinking about the same stuff. 好主意,我跟你想的一样。

❼ 我想把房间刷成蓝色。I want to paint the room blue.

对话 A: What about repainting the living room primrose yellow?你觉得把客厅刷成淡黄色怎么样?

B: I want to paint the room blue. 我想把房间刷成蓝色。

❽ 我在看装修的书和杂志。I'm reading decorating books and magazines now.

❾ 我在装修的时候对选择材料非常用心。I think a lot of the material when decorating.

❿ 地板是我装修时首先考虑的。The first thing to consider when decorating my room is floor.

同类表达 The first thing to consider when decorating is the paint. 涂料是我装修时首先考虑的。
