
英语作文    发布时间:2024-03-27  



Check, please. - 请结账。

Bill, please. - 请给我账单。

I'd like the check, please. - 我来结账。

This is delicious. - 这个很好吃。

I'm full. - 我吃饱了。

Could you pack the leftovers, please? - 剩下的可以打包吗?

The meal was excellent. - 餐点很出色。

We'll go Dutch. - 我们各付各的吧。

Separate checks, please. - 请分开账单。

I'll pay for the whole meal. - 我来付整顿饭的钱。


Excuse me, could we have the bill? - 不好意思,我们可以要账单吗?

May I have a receipt, please? - 可以给我开一张发票吗?

Could you please box up the remaining food? - 你能把这些剩饭剩菜打包吗?

I thoroughly enjoyed the meal. Thank you. - 我非常喜欢这顿饭。谢谢。

We'll split the cost. - 我们会分摊费用。


Last weekend, I had a wonderful dining experience at a local Italian restaurant with my friends. The atmosphere was cozy and the service was impeccable. As we finished our main courses, I felt compelled to compliment the waiter on the delicious food.


We were all quite full but decided to share a dessert. After much deliberation, we chose their signature tiramisu. When the dessert arrived, it was a sight to behold and it tasted just as amazing. As we enjoyed our dessert, I mentioned to my friends that we should leave a generous tip for our server, considering their attentive service throughout the meal.


Once we finished our dessert, I politely said to the waiter, "Excuse me, could we have the bill, please?" He promptly returned with the check and I reviewed it for accuracy. After confirming the total, I asked, "May I have a receipt, please?" and prepared to split the cost with my friends.


The waiter kindly offered to box up the leftovers for us to take home, which we gratefully accepted. As we left the restaurant, we all agreed that it was a delightful evening, and we looked forward to our next visit.



❶ 我现在饱了。I'm full now.

对话 A: The salad is appetizing. 这个沙拉很开胃。

B: But I'm full now. 可是我现在很饱。

❷ 我饱了,谢谢你的晚餐。I am stuffed. Thanks for your dinner.

对话 A: I am stuffed. Thanks for your dinner. 我饱了,谢谢你的晚餐。

B: With pleasure. 乐意为你服务。

❸ 你还想再来点米饭吗?Would you like a second helping of rice?

同类表达 Care for some wine? 来点酒吗?

Would you like some coffee or brandy? 你想要咖啡还是白兰地?

❹ 我很饱,不过我很想吃一口。I am full, but I'd love to try a bite.

对话 A: Have some pie. 吃点派。

B: I am full, but I'd love to try a bite. 我很饱,不过我很想吃一口。

❺ 谢谢,我已经吃了很多了。Thanks, I've had plenty.

对话 A: What else would you like? 还想吃点什么?

B: Thanks, I've had plenty. 谢谢,我已经吃了很多了。

❻ 我把这一整碗都吃完了。I'm finished with the whole bowl.

对话 A: Keep eating! 继续吃啊!

B: I'm finished with the whole bowl. 我把这一整碗都吃完了。

❼ 我打了个饱嗝。I had a burp.

同类表达 I'm burping.

对话 A: I took a swallow of beer and had a burp. 我喝了一口啤酒,然后打了个嗝。

B: It seems that you're full with beer. 看来你喝啤酒就能饱啊。

❽ 我吃得太多了,现在感觉胃胀。I ate too much and now my stomach is bloated.

同类表达 That's all I can eat. 我吃不下了。

I have no appetite. 我没有胃口。

❾ 我已经没有任何食欲了。I have no stomach for anything.

对话 A: Don't be shy. Eat! 别不好意思!吃啊!

B: I have no stomach for anything. 我已经没有任何食欲了。

❿ 来点烤面包怎么样?Would you like to have some toast?

对话 A: Would you like to have some toast? 来点烤面包怎么样?

B: No, thanks. I'm full. 不要了,谢谢。我已经饱了。