
英语作文    发布时间:2023-11-27  



1. 到家了 - I'm home.

2. 终于回到家了 - Finally back home.

3. 我回来了 - I'm back.

4. 来到温暖的家 - Arrive at the cozy home.

5. 马上就能到家了 - I'll be home soon.

6. 这是我家 - This is my home.

7. 这里是我的港湾 - This is my haven.

8. 一天的劳累终于结束了 - The exhaustion of the day is finally over.

9. 可以放松了 - Time to relax.

10. 嗨,家人们 - Hey, family.

home - 家

family - 家庭

house - 房子

apartment - 公寓

living room - 客厅

bedroom - 卧室

kitchen - 厨房

bathroom - 浴室

dining room - 餐厅

backyard - 后院

front yard - 前院

garden - 花园

garage - 车库

driveway - 车道

roof - 屋顶

wall - 墙壁

floor - 地板

ceiling - 天花板

window - 窗户

door - 门


❶ 我回来了。I'm home.

对话 A: Wow, I'm home. Home, sweet home! There's no place like home. 哇,我回来了。家,亲爱的家!哪儿也没有自己家好。

B: Welcome back, baby! 宝贝,欢迎回来!

❷ 你怎么回来这么晚?Why do you come home so late?

对话 A: Why do you come home so late? 你怎么回来这么晚?

B: I worked overtime and had dinner with workmates. 我加班,然后跟同事一起吃饭了。

❸ 我正往家赶,准备窝进沙发里。I'm heading home to slump in the sofa.

❹ 我把钥匙弄丢了。I lost my key.

同类表达 I can't find my key. 我找不到钥匙了。

对话 A: I lost my key. Have you seen it? 我找不到我的钥匙了。你看到了吗?

B: No, I haven't. 我没看见。

❺ 我想在回家路上买些面条。I want to buy some noodles on my way home.

对话 A: Honey, what's for dinner? 亲爱的,晚上吃什么?

B: I want to buy some noodles for supper on my way home. 我想在回家路上买面条当晚饭。

❻ 我饿死了,咱们出去吃吧。I'm starving, so let's dine out.

同类表达 I'm too tired to cook. 我累得不想做饭了。

❼ 你先洗澡吧。Take a shower.

同类表达 I'll run a bath for you. 我去给你准备洗澡水。

❽ 晚饭准备好了吗?Is supper ready?

对话 A: Is supper ready? 晚饭准备好了吗?

B: Just wait a moment. 再等一会儿。

❾ 今天路上很堵。There is a traffic jam today.

同类表达 The traffic is very crowded.

对话 A: Why do you come home so late? 你为什么回家这么晚?

B: There is a traffic jam today. 今天路上很堵。

❿ 我们晚上出去吃饭吧。Let's eat out today.

对话 A: I don't want to cook dinner. Let's eat out today. 我不想做晚饭了,今天出去吃饭吧。

B: Good idea. There opens a new restaurant nearby. 好主意,附近开了一家新餐馆。



A: We're finally home! I'm so tired today.


B: Yeah, we've been out all day. Now we can finally relax.


A: Yeah, it feels so good to be back home.


B: Definitely, home is the most comfortable place. Let's just sit on the couch and rest.


A: We're finally home, do you like our new place?


B: Yes, I think it's a nice place. It's close to the school and the supermarket.


A: Yeah, the neighborhood is great too. We're definitely going to be happy living here.


B: I think so too. Looking forward to every bit of our life in this new home.


A: We're home! I'm starving, what do you feel like eating?


B: I'm famished too! How about ordering takeout? I don't feel like cooking.


A: Good idea! What kind of cuisine are you in the mood for?


B: Anything works for me, I like Chinese food. How about you?


A: Chinese food sounds good, I'll order some fried noodles and sweet and sour pork ribs, okay?


A: After a whole day out, we're finally back home.


B: Yeah, the weather outside is so cold, but it's much warmer at home.


A: Exactly, it's such a relief for both the body and mind to be back home.


B: Come on, let me pour you a cup of hot tea to warm up. 

