
英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-12  


小学英语作文:我的梦想(宇航员) My Dream(astronaut)

I have many dreams, such as I am rich in the future. Therefore, I can buy all what I want. But my greatest dream is that I want to be an astronaut. Our country develops fast and our space make great progress in the last several decades. It has great achievements. All of our country are proud of it. Therefore, I want to be one of this amazing area. In order to make my dream come true, I must work hard now. So that I can go to a good university to learn more knowledge. I hope my dream can come true one day.  


英语阅读填空:宇航员 187词

题材: 宇航员  词数: 187  建议阅读时间: 4分钟


It's not easy to become an astronaut.Out of 20,000 people who want to do it,only 20 of these become astronauts.

Do you have the qualifications and experience to become an astronaut?Shuttle captains must already have 1,000 hours' experience of flying planes.If you aren't a pilot,but want to be part of the team,you must already be a specialist.You must be a Doctor of Science or Maths.You have probably already done research.You work well in team.

The 2-year training program is hard.You must be 1.6~1.9 metres tall.First you must be fit.You must be able to work for long hours without sleep.You have good concentration.Do you have the right character?Do you get angry when your bicycle has a flat tire?That would not help the team!Astronauts must work calmly and must be ready to do any job in space.

If you are clever,qualified and experienced,you can always try.You will be away from home for two years.Flights into space are dangerous.You will not make much money.On the other hand,you will have an exciting trip into space and wonderful views.You will always be famous.You'll always be one of the world's very few astronauts.


qualified adj. 有资格的,合格的:

Edward is well qualified for this job.爱德华具备了做这项工作所需的条件。

qualification n. 资格:

To know the way is one qualification for a guide.识路是做向导的条件之一。

Even after qualification jobs were hard to find.即使在取得资格证书后,工作还是很难找到。

shuttle n. (车辆、飞机等)定时往返运行:

I'm catching the seven o'clock shuttle to Glasgow.我赶着搭乘七点钟往格拉斯哥的班机。

specialist n. 专家:

She's a specialist in diseases of cattle.她是研究牛的疾病的专家。

fit adj. 强健的,体能好的:

He keeps fit by jogging five miles a day.为了保持身体健康,他每天都慢跑五英里。

1.According to the passage,________people can become astronauts.


B.a lot of


D.plenty of

2.Which of the following people would not be a good astronaut?

A.A pilot.

B.A Doctor of Maths.

C.A scientist.

D.A Doctor of History.

3.From the passage we can know that a good astronaut ________.

A.works well and stays calm

B.can do just one job

C.sometimes helps people in the team

D.sometimes gets angry

4.The passage tells us that an astronaut's job ________.

A.is hard but safe

B.is hard but exciting

C.is very well paid

D.will soon be forgotten







Tuesday 1.A 2.D 3.A 4.B