
英语作文    发布时间:2024-08-22  



1.Graduation - 毕业

2.Diploma - 文凭

3.Degree - 学位

4.Commencement - 开始,此处指毕业典礼

5.Cap and gown - 学位帽和长袍

6.Thesis - 论文

7.Dissertation - 博士论文

8.Valedictorian - 毕业典礼上的优秀学生代表

9.Alumni - 校友

10.Academic - 学术的

11.Curriculum - 课程

12.Transcript - 成绩单

13.Graduation ceremony - 毕业典礼

14.Commencement speech - 毕业典礼演讲

15.Postgraduate - 研究生


The culmination of years of dedication and hard work, graduation signifies the end of one educational chapter and the beginning of another. It is a time of celebration and reflection, where students are recognized for their academic achievements and the knowledge they have acquired. The journey to graduation is marked by challenges and triumphs, from late-night study sessions to the joy of receiving a diploma. As students don their caps and gowns, they are not just commemorating the past but also stepping into a future filled with possibilities. The ceremony itself is a testament to the perseverance and growth of each individual, and the commencement speech often inspires them to apply their education to make a difference in the world. Graduation is not just an end, but a gateway to new adventures and the pursuit of lifelong learning.



❶ 你还要修多少学分才能毕业?How many credits have you left until graduation?

❷ 我选了日语,可以得四个学分。I have taken Japanese for four credits.

对话 A: Which course did you take? 你选了哪一门课?

B: I have taken Japanese for four credits. 我选了日语,可以得四个学分。

❸ 我的学分不够,没法毕业。I failed to earn enough credits to graduate.

❹ 你的毕业论文写得怎么样了?How's your graduation thesis going?

这样回答 It's almost finished. 快写完了。

❺ 约翰已经把论文交给导师了。John has submitted his thesis to his advisor.

对话 A: I haven't finished my opening report. 我还没有完成我的开题报告呢。

B: John has submitted his thesis to his advisor. You should hurny up! 约翰已经把论文交给导师了。你得抓紧了。

❻ 大家首先需要提交一份提纲、一份初稿,然后才是最终的论文。You need to submit an outline, a rough draft and then the final paper.

❼ 我拿到了学士学位。I got a bachelor's degree.

同类表达 She got a bachelor's degree in management. 她获得了管理学士学位。

He majored in English and got a master's degree. 他专修英语,并获得了英语硕士学位。

❽ 恭喜你完成学业!Congratulations on finishing school!

对话 A: Congratulations on finishing school. 恭喜你完成学业!

B: Thanks. There is still a long way to go. 谢谢,未来还有很长的路要走。

❾ 下周我们要去一家公司实习。We'll take a field trip to a company next week.

同类表达 The term of the practice is fixed at two months. 这次实习时间定为两个月。

We will go on a field trip to hospital. 我们将去医院实习。

❿ 你毕业后有什么计划吗?Do you have any plans after graduation?

同类表达 What will you do after graduation from college? 大学毕业后你准备做什么?

这样回答 I want to take a trip first, and then I will go for a job I like. 我想先去旅行,然后找个自己喜欢的工作。