待售的玫瑰 Roses for Sale

英语作文    发布时间:2023-08-25  

Roses for Sale

Mrs Brown loves flowers very much. She has a small but nice garden. In summer, her roses are always the most beautiful in her street.

One summer afternoon, her doorbell rings. She opens the door. A small boy is standing in front of her. He is about seven years old. He is holding a big bunch of beautiful roses in his hand.

“I'm selling roses,”he says.“Do you want any, madam? They are very beautiful and cheap.”

“My boy,”Mrs Brown says,“I don't need to buy any roses, because I have a lot in my garden. I can pick roses when I want.”

“Oh, no, madam, you can't now,”says the boy.“There aren't any roses in your garden because they are here in my hand.”

New Words and Expressions(生词和短语)

-doorbell ['dɔ:bel ] n. 门铃

-bunch [bʌntʃ ] n. 束,捆

-pick [pɪk ] vt. 摘取,采摘

Sentence Patterns(句型练习)

1. A small boy is standing in front of her. 一个小男孩站在她面前。

She spent hours standing in front of the mirror, combing through her long hair. 她站在镜子前花好几个小时梳理她的长发。

Our school is in front of the factory. 我们的学校就在那家工厂的前面。

2. He is holding a big bunch of beautiful roses in his hand.


A bunch of red roses emits strong scent. 一束红玫瑰花散发出浓郁的芳香。

Jack gave his girlfriend a bunch of flowers. 杰克向他的女友赠送了一束花。






