
英语作文    发布时间:2024-06-19  



Scenery: 泛指自然或人造环境中的景色。

Landscape: 指自然景色,尤指田野、山脉等。

View: 指从特定位置看到的景色。

Vista: 指开阔的远景,尤指从高处看到的景色。

Panorama: 指全景,即从高处或开阔地点看到的宽广景色。

Scene: 指某一特定地点的景色或景象。

英语作文:The Poetry of Scenery

Scenery is the poetry written by nature, a silent ode to the beauty of our world. It's the first light of dawn that paints the sky with hues of pink and gold, the whisper of the wind through the trees, and the serene reflection of the moon on tranquil waters. Each landscape, be it the towering mountains or the gentle curves of a field, tells a story of its own, inviting us to step into its embrace and find peace.



❶ 快过来看看这儿的风景,真是太美了。You have to come to see this view. It's amazing.

同类表达 Come over here! Look at this magnificent view! 过来!看看这壮丽的景色!

This place is really fascinating. 这个地方真是迷人。

❷ 多美的景色啊!What a beautiful view!

同类表达 Wow! What a great view! 哇!好棒的景色啊!

That's marvelous! 真是太棒了!

❸ 这些是我曾见过的最美丽的山。These are the most beautiful mountains I've ever seen.

同类表达 This place makes me feel as if I were in a different world. 这个地方让我感觉好像在另外一个世界。

❹ 这片湖真是风景如画。It's really a picturesque lake.

同类表达 The lake is a picture itself.

❺ 遇到这样的好天气,乘船旅行总是很惬意的。A sea trip is always enjoyable in fine weather like this.

同类表达 It's wonderful sitting here talking! 坐在这儿聊天真是太棒了!

What lovely weather! 天气真好!

❻ 这个湖上有游船吗?Are there any excursion boats on the lake?

对话 A: Are there any excursion boats on the lake? 这个湖上有游船吗?

B: Yes. You can rent one over there. 有,你可以去那边租一艘。

❼ 从山顶看到的景色很壮观。The views from the summit are magnificent.

同类表达 It's really worth seeing. 真是值得一看。

❽ 在这里你能看到整个城市的全景。You can have a bird view of the whole city here.

同类表达 We can have a fine view of the lake from the top of the hill. 从山顶我们可以把湖面的美丽景色尽收眼底。

❾ 大峡谷真是一幅杰作。The Grand Canyon is truly a masterpiece.

同类表达 You must not miss the Grand Canyon. 你一定不要错过大峡谷。

❿ 沙子非常细,晶莹清澈的海水中没有一点儿波浪。The sand is so fine and there's not a single wave in the crystal clear water.

同类表达 I've never seen such clear water. 我从来没有见过这么清澈的水。