
英语作文    发布时间:2024-03-07  



- Grief: 悲痛
- Melancholy: 忧郁
- Despair: 绝望
- Heartache: 心痛
- Lamentation: 悲叹
- Mourning: 哀悼
- Sorrow: 悲伤
- Dejection: 沮丧
- Dismay: 沮丧
- Gloom: 阴郁
- Emotion: 情感
- Emotional pain: 情感痛苦
- Coping mechanism: 应对机制


- The news of his passing left her in a state of profound sadness.(他去世的消息让她陷入了深深的悲伤。)
- It's normal to feel a sense of melancholy when reflecting on the past.(回顾过去时感到忧郁是正常的。)
- The loss of a loved one often brings about an overwhelming sense of heartache.(失去亲人常常会带来难以承受的心痛。)


Sadness is an integral part of the human experience, a complex emotion that can arise from various life events. It is a natural response to loss, disappointment, or adversity, and while it can be overwhelming, it also serves as a catalyst for personal growth and healing.

The grieving process, for instance, is a testament to the depth of our emotional connections with others. It is a journey that allows us to acknowledge our pain, express our sorrow, and eventually find a way to move forward. This process is not linear, and it is important to give oneself the time and space to feel and process the emotions that come with sadness.

In times of sadness, it can be helpful to seek support from friends, family, or professionals. Sharing our feelings with others can provide comfort and a sense of understanding. Engaging in activities that bring joy or a sense of accomplishment can also be a step towards regaining a sense of control and positivity.

Ultimately, sadness is a reminder of our capacity for deep feeling and the richness of our human experience. It is through embracing and navigating these emotions that we can grow stronger and more resilient.






❶ 我很伤心。I'm heartbroken.

对话 A: Jenny is going home tomorrow. 珍妮明天就要回家了。

B: I'm heartbroken. I will miss her. 我很伤心,我会想念她的。

❷ 我的内心充满了悲伤。My heart has been filled with grief.

对话 A: My heart has been filled with grief. 我的内心充满了悲伤。

B: What's going on, honey? 怎么了,亲爱的?

A: My dog died. 我的小狗死了。

❸ 我心灰意冷了。I feel frustrated.

同类表达 I'm really in black despair.

对话 A: The manager is unsatisfied with your plan. 经理对你的计划不满意。

B: I have changed it several times. I feel frustrated. 我已经改了几次了。我心灰意冷了。

❹ 我想哭。I feel like crying.

对话 A: What's wrong, Jessee? 杰西,你怎么了?

B: I feel like crying. 我想哭。

❺ 我很郁闷。I feel depressed.

同类表达 I feel blue.

I feel really down.

❻ 奶奶的去世让她很伤心。She is hurting from the loss of her grandma.

对话 A: Does Phoebe feel better now? 菲比现在好些了吗?

B: Not really, she is hurting from the loss of her grandma. 没怎么见好,奶奶的去世让她很伤心。

❼ 今天我什么都不顺。Today isn't my day.

同类表达 I have bad luck today. 我今天运气不好。

What a bad luck! 真不走运!

❽ 我现在情绪很低落。I'm in a slump right now.

对话 A: I'm in a slump right now. 我现在情绪很低落。

B: Let me buy you a drink. 我请你喝一杯吧。

❾ 雨天让我感到压抑。Rainy days get me down.

同类表达 Rainy days bum me out. 雨天让我烦躁。

Rainy days make me sad. 雨天让我忧伤。

I feel blue on rainy days. 我在雨天感到沮丧。

❿ 他昨天一整天都闷闷不乐的。He gloomed all day yesterday.

同类表达 He has got a heavy heart. 他的心情很沉重。

He has a melancholy look. 他满脸忧愁。