
英语作文    发布时间:2023-11-16  



1. Sugar-coated hawthorn: 糖衣山楂、糖葫芦

   - I love eating sugar-coated hawthorn. (我喜欢吃糖葫芦。)

2. Skewer: 竹签

   - The fruits are skewered on bamboo sticks to make sugar-coated hawthorns. (水果被串在竹签上制成糖葫芦。)

3. Syrup: 糖浆

   - The fruits are soaked in syrup to make sugar-coated hawthorns. (水果被浸泡在糖浆中制成糖葫芦。)

4. Snack: 小吃

   - Sugar-coated hawthorns are a popular traditional Chinese snack. (糖葫芦是一种受欢迎的中国传统小吃。)

5. Sweet and sour: 酸甜

   - Sugar-coated hawthorns have a sweet and sour taste. (糖葫芦有酸甜的味道。)

6. Street food: 街头食品

   - Sugar-coated hawthorns are often sold as street food in China. (糖葫芦经常作为中国的街头食品出售。)

7. Traditional delicacy: 传统美食

   - Sugar-coated hawthorns are considered a traditional delicacy in China. (糖葫芦被视为中国的传统美食。)

8. Crispy: 酥脆

   - The sugar coating on the hawthorns is crispy and adds texture to the snack. (山楂上的糖衣很酥脆,使小吃更有口感。)

9. Popular: 受欢迎的

   - Sugar-coated hawthorns are popular among both children and adults. (糖葫芦在儿童和成人中都很受欢迎。)


Sugar-coated hawthorns are one of the traditional snacks in China, simple to make yet filled with enticing colors and flavors. They consist of fresh hawthorn fruits skewered on bamboo sticks, then soaked in sweet syrup. With the first bite, the outer sugar coating makes a satisfying crunch, revealing the crispy flesh beneath. Then, a delightful and slightly sour taste spreads, leaving a lingering aftertaste. Sugar-coated hawthorns are not just a culinary delight but also a symbol of culture, representing the Chinese people's love and nostalgia for traditional flavors.



Once upon a time, in a small village in China, there lived a young girl named Mei. Mei was known for her creativity and love for nature. One day, as she was walking through the village, she noticed the vibrant red hawthorn fruits hanging from the trees. Inspired by their beauty, Mei had an idea.

She gathered a bunch of freshly picked hawthorn fruits and carefully skewered them onto bamboo sticks. Then, she prepared a delicious sugar syrup by boiling sugar and water together until it became thick and sticky. Mei dipped the hawthorn fruits into the syrup, making sure they were fully coated with the sweet goodness.

The next step was to let the sugar-coated hawthorns cool and harden. As Mei patiently waited, the village children started to gather around her, curious about what she was creating. When the hawthorns were ready, Mei handed them out to the children, who eagerly took their first bite.

Their faces lit up with joy as they savored the crispy texture of the sugar coating and the burst of sweet and sour flavors from the hawthorn fruits. The children couldn't get enough of this delightful treat and soon, word spread throughout the village.

Mei's sugar-coated hawthorns became a sensation, and people from neighboring villages would come to taste her creation. The villagers started calling the snack "tanghulu," which means sugar-coated hawthorn in Chinese.

Over time, tanghulu became not just a delicious treat but also a symbol of unity and happiness in the village. Mei's creativity and passion for nature had brought smiles to everyone's faces. To this day, tanghulu remains a beloved traditional snack in China, reminding people of the simple joys of life and the beauty of nature.
