
英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-23  



1. Confess - 坦白;承认

2. Confession - 告白;供认

3. Confess one's feelings - 表白

4. Declare love - 宣布爱意

5. Express affection - 表达爱慕

6. Reveal one's heart - 敞开心扉

7. Pop the question - 提出重要问题(通常指求婚)

8. Ask someone out - 邀请某人出去约会

9. Tell someone how you feel - 告诉某人你的感受

10. Make a romantic gesture - 做出浪漫的举动

11. Get down on one knee - 单膝跪地(求婚时)

12. Serendipitous encounter - 意外的邂逅

13. Love at first sight - 一见钟情

14. Win someone's heart - 赢得某人的心

15. Be smitten - 迷恋某人

16. Be head over heels - 完全爱上某人

17. Have a crush on someone - 对某人有好感

18. Be in love - 恋爱中

19. Be infatuated - 迷恋某人

20. Be enamored - 迷恋某人


Person A: I've been wanting to talk to you about something important.

A: 我一直想和你谈谈一件重要的事情。

Person B: Sure, what's on your mind?

B: 当然,你在想什么?

Person A: I've had a crush on you for a while now, and I think it's time I confess my feelings.

A: 我一直对你有好感,我觉得是时候坦白我的感情了。

Person B: Really? I had no idea. I'm flattered.

B: 真的吗?我一点都不知道。我很荣幸。

Person A: I know it might be sudden, but I wanted to ask you out. Would you like to go to dinner with me this weekend?

A: 我知道这可能很突然,但我想问你愿意这个周末和我一起去吃晚餐吗?

Person B: I'd love to! I've been hoping you'd ask.

B: 我很愿意!我一直希望你能邀请我。

Person A: That's great! I'm so happy you feel the same way.

A: 太好了!我很高兴你也有同样的感觉。

Person B: Me too. Let's make it a night to remember.

B: 我也是。让我们度过一个难忘的夜晚吧。


The Courage to Confess

Confessing one's feelings can be a daunting task, but it is often the first step towards a deeper connection. In this essay, I will share my experience of confessing my love and the lessons I learned from it.

It all started with a simple crush. I found myself constantly thinking about her, and it wasn't just her smile or her laugh that captivated me, but her kindness and intelligence as well. I knew I had to tell her how I felt, but the fear of rejection held me back.

One day, I mustered the courage to express my affection. I chose a quiet spot in the park, where we often met to study. With a pounding heart, I told her about my feelings. To my surprise, she responded with a warm smile and said she felt the same way.

This experience taught me that taking the risk to confess one's feelings can lead to unexpected rewards. It also showed me the importance of being honest and open with the people we care about. From that moment on, our relationship blossomed, and we've been inseparable ever since.

In conclusion, the courage to confess one's feelings is a powerful tool in building meaningful relationships. It requires vulnerability, but the potential for a deeper bond is well worth the risk.








❶ 你正是我喜欢的类型。You're exactly my type.

同类表达 You are my type as a girlfriend. 你是我喜欢的女朋友类型。

对话 A: What do you think of me? 你觉得我怎么样?

B: You're exactly my type. 你正是我喜欢的类型。

❷ 你能和我约会吗?May I ask you out on a date?

对话 A: May I ask you out on a date? 你能和我约会吗?

B: Yes, I'm flattered. 当然,我很荣幸。

❸ 你得创造机会。You have to create opportunities.

同类表达 Don't be timid, just go for it! 不要胆怯,勇敢去追吧!

对话 A: I think I have fallen in love with her. 我想我爱上她了。

B: You have to create opportunities. 你得创造机会。

❹ 这是我的电话号码。This is my phone number.

对话 A: Can you tell me your contact information? 能告诉我你的联系方式吗?

B: This is my phone number. 这是我的电话号码。

❺ 我来跟她搭讪。Let me chat her up.

对话 A: Did you see the girl at the bar? 你看到吧台旁边的女孩了吗?

B: Yes, I was looking at her for a moment. Let me chat her up. 我看她有一会儿了,我来跟她搭讪。

❻ 你是我梦寐以求的女孩。You're my dream girl.

对话 A: You're my dream girl. 你是我梦寐以求的女孩。

B: But you're not my cup of tea. 但你不是我的菜。

❼ 我无法把视线从你身上移开。I couldn't take my eyes off you.

对话 A: I couldn't take my eyes off you. 我无法把视线从你身上移开。

B: Oh, that's very flattering. 哦,这话真叫人受宠若惊。

❽ 我觉得我们很合得来。I think we click.

对话 A: How do you feel about me? 你觉得我怎么样?

B: You are great and I think we click. 你很棒,我觉我们很合得来。

❾ 我们一见钟情。We just hit it right off.

同类表达 They fell in love at the first sight. 两人一见钟情。

She fell for him at the first sight. 她对他一见钟情。

❿ 我们可不可以正式交往?Can we start a serious relationship?

同类表达 Be my love! 做我的恋人吧!

You mean the world to me. 你是我的全世界。

对话 A: Can we start a serious relationship? 我们可不可以正式交往?

B: Give me some time to think about it. 给我些时间考虑一下。