
英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-15  



School Rules - 学校规则

Regulations - 规定

Policies - 政策

Code of Conduct - 行为守则

Disciplinary Measures - 纪律措施

Attendance Policy - 出勤政策

Dress Code - 着装规定

Academic Integrity - 学术诚信

Honor Code - 荣誉准则

Conduct Expectations - 行为期望

Student Handbook - 学生手册(通常包含学校规定和指南)

Policy Compliance - 遵守政策

Violation - 违规

Consequences - 后果

Authority - 权威(制定规定的机构或个人)

Enforcement - 执行(规定)

Guidelines - 指导方针

Protocol - 程序(特定的行为规定)

Standards - 标准

Procedures - 程序(处理事务的步骤)


Our school has a set of regulations that every student must follow. These rules are designed to ensure a safe and conducive learning environment. For instance, students are expected to be punctual and attend all classes. Wearing the school uniform is mandatory as it promotes a sense of unity and discipline. During classes, students are required to maintain silence and pay attention to the teacher. Cheating in exams is strictly prohibited and can lead to severe consequences. Moreover, students must respect their teachers and peers, fostering a harmonious school community.

The school also has policies on punctuality and attendance. Students are expected to arrive at school on time and attend all scheduled classes. If a student is unable to attend, they must provide a valid reason and obtain permission from the school administration. These regulations are not just restrictions; they are guidelines that help us grow into responsible individuals.

In conclusion, school regulations are essential for maintaining order and promoting a positive educational experience. By adhering to these rules, we can create an environment where everyone can learn and thrive.





❶ 无故缺席者将被开除。Unexcused absences can result in expulsion.

同类表达 Only a pre-approved absence is allowed. 缺席必须预先获得批准。

The students should be in attendance for the full day. 学生应该全天出勤。

❷ 请保证准时。Make sure to be punctual.

同类表达 Don't be late. 别迟到。

❸ 整个学期的迟到次数是累计的。Tardies are cumulative throughout the entire semester.

同类表达 What are the consequences if there are more than three tardies? 如果迟到三次以上会有什么后果?

❹ 不要穿奇装异服。Extremes in grooming and dress are restricted.

同类表达 No tank tops, unless a T-shirt is worn underneath. 禁止穿背心,除非在里面穿T恤衫。

❺ 禁止佩戴链子,包括钱包链。No chains are permitted, including wallet chains.

同类表达 You are not allowed to dye your hair in any unnatural color. 禁止将头发染成任何非自然的颜色。

❻ 学生应该遵守学校的相关规章制度。Students are supposed to abide by the rules and regulations in school.

❼ 这所学校的着装要求是什么?What is the dress code of this school?

这样回答 Students should be covered from neck to mid-thigh. 学生穿的衣服应该遮住从颈部到大腿中部的部分。

❽ 尊重他人和学校的财物。Respect personal and school property.

同类表达 Make sure to secure your personal belongings. 请保管好你的私人财物。

❾ 犯错将受到警告。A warning will be given for a demerit.

同类表达 We will contact your parents with the third demerit. 三次犯错,我们将联系你的家长。

❿ 你将被停课三天。You're suspended for three days.

同类表达 I'm sending you to the principal's office. 我要送你到校长办公室去。