
英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-25  



1. Post office: 邮局

2. Mail: 邮件

3. Letter: 信件

4. Envelope: 信封

5. Stamp: 邮票

6. Postage: 邮资

7. Delivery: 递送

8. Postman/Mail carrier: 邮递员

9. Parcel: 包裹

10. Registered mail: 挂号邮件

11. Express delivery: 快递

12. Postcard: 明信片

13. Pigeonhole: 信函分拣台格架

14. Sorting office: 信件分拣室

15. Postbox: 邮筒

16. Airmail: 航空邮件

17. Postage stamp: 邮票

18. Postmark: 邮戳

19. Postal district: 邮区

20. Local post: 本地邮件


Person A: Excuse me, where can I buy stamps for my letters?

A: 打扰一下,我在哪里可以买到邮票?

Person B: You can buy stamps at the counter over there.

B: 你可以在那边的柜台买到邮票。

Person A: Thank you. How much is the postage for a letter to the United States?

A: 谢谢。寄往美国的信需要多少邮资?

Person B: It's $1.15 for a standard letter. Do you need any additional services like tracking or insurance?

B: 标准信件是1.15美元。你需要额外的服务吗,比如追踪或保险?

Person A: No, just the regular postage, please.

A: 不,只需要普通邮资。

Person B: Alright, here are your stamps. Have a great day!

B: 好的,这是你的邮票。祝你有美好的一天!


The Role of the Post Office in Our Daily Lives 邮局在我们日常生活中的作用

The post office plays a vital role in our daily lives, serving as a hub for communication and commerce. It is a place where we can send and receive letters, parcels, and various other forms of mail. In the digital age, while electronic communication has become prevalent, the post office still holds a special place in our hearts.


Every day, postmen and mail carriers deliver millions of letters and packages to homes and businesses across the country. They are the unsung heroes who ensure that our messages and gifts reach their intended recipients in a timely manner. The post office also offers various services, such as registered mail for important documents, express delivery for urgent items, and post office boxes for those who prefer to receive their mail in a secure location.


Moreover, the post office is a place where we can purchase stamps, send postcards, and even access certain government services. It is a community center that brings people together, fostering a sense of connection and belonging.


In conclusion, the post office is more than just a place to send and receive mail; it is a cornerstone of our society, connecting individuals, businesses, and communities. As we continue to navigate the digital landscape, the post office remains a steadfast and essential part of our daily lives.



❶ 我要寄挂号信。I want to register this letter.

同类表达 I want to send this letter by registered mail. 我想以挂号信的方式寄这封信。

对话 A: I want to register this letter. 我要寄挂号信。

B: Please fill in the form. 请填下这个表格。

❷ 你的包裹里有易碎物品吗?Is there anything fragile in your parcel?

同类表达 What's in the package? 包裹里是什么?

对话 A: Is there anything fragile in your parcel? 你的包裹里有易碎物品吗?

B: No, there are some books and clothes in it. 没有,里面是一些书和衣服。

❸ 你想走海运还是空运?Do you want to mail it by sea or by air?

这样回答 By airmail, please. 空运。

I want to send it by sea. 我走海运。

❹ 在哪里贴邮票呢?Where should I place the stamp?

对话 A: Where should I place the stamp? 在哪里贴邮票呢?

B: Here. 这里。

A: How many stamps should I stick on? 我应该贴几张邮票?

B: Two is OK. 两张就可以了。

❺ 我要把这个包裹寄到美国。I'd like to send this parcel to America.

同类表达 I'd like to send this package by air. 我想用航空的方式寄这个包裹。

对话 A: Good morning, sir. May I help you? 先生,早上好。有什么可以帮你的吗?

B: I'd like to send this parcel to America. 我要把这个包裹寄到美国。

A: OK, how would you like it to be shipped? 好的。您想以什么方式邮寄?

B: By air. 航空邮件。

❻ 让我称一下你的包裹。Let me weigh your package.

❼ 我要以特快专递的形式寄送。I'd like to send it by express mail.

同类表达 I need this to go express mail. 我想以特快专递的形式寄送。

Can I send this EMS? 我可以用特快专递的形式寄送吗?

❽ 这个包裹需要以优先投递的方式发送。This parcel needs to go first class.

❾ 里面有什么贵重物品吗?Is there anything valuable in it?

同类表达 Does it have anything valuable inside? 里面有什么贵重物品吗?

❿ 能告诉我那里的邮编吗?Can I have the ZIP code there?

同类表达 What's the ZIP code of Chicago? 芝加哥的邮编是多少?