
英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-18  



Homework: 作业。

Assignment: 分配的任务,特指学校作业。

Exercise: 练习,作业中的练习题。

Project: 项目作业,通常需要较长时间完成。

Reading: 阅读作业。

Research: 研究作业。

Practice: 练习,指需要反复练习的作业。

Worksheet: 工作表,常用于练习题或活动。

Quiz: 小测验,作业中可能包含的测试。

Study: 学习,指需要学生自主学习的作业。


Homework is an integral part of the educational process, serving as a bridge between the classroom and home learning. It allows students to reinforce what they have learned in class and to explore topics more deeply on their own. As a student, I often find homework to be both challenging and rewarding.

One of my recent assignments was to write an essay on the importance of renewable energy. This task required me to conduct research, analyze data, and present my findings in a coherent manner. It was a complex task that demanded time and effort, but it also provided me with valuable insights into a critical issue of our time.

Through this homework, I learned not only about renewable energy but also about the importance of self-directed learning. It taught me that learning does not end when the school bell rings; it continues at home, where we can delve deeper into subjects that interest us. Homework, therefore, is not just a task to be completed but an opportunity to grow and develop as a student.





❶ 大家都清楚作业内容了吗?Does everybody understand the assignment?

对话 A: Does everybody understand the assignment? 大家都清楚作业内容了吗?

B: I have a question. 我有一个问题。

❷ 每个学生都收到了一本学生作业本。Every student has received a student assignment book.

同类表达 Every student is asked to use student assignment book to do homework. 老师要求每个学生都使用学生作业本做作业。

❸ 今天的作业做完了吗?Have you got your homework done for today?

❹ 她没有交任何作业。She has not submitted any homework.

同类表达 Your homework was submitted late. 你的作业交晚了。

❺ 我想不出这个问题的答案。I can't figure the question out.

同类表达 I cannot work it out. 我做不出来。

❻ 老师给我们留了太多作业。My teacher gave us too much homework.

同类表达 He is overloaded with homework every day. 他每天功课负担很重。

❼ 能让我看一下你的笔记吗?Would you show me your notes?

同类表达 Can I see your notes of last class? 我能看看你上一堂课的笔记吗?

Can I borrow your notes? 你的笔记可以借给我吗?

❽ 规定日期之后上交的作业不能获得学分。Work will not be accepted for credits after the due date.

对话 A: Can I hand in my homework later? 我晚点交作业行吗?

B: Work will not be accepted for credits after the due date. 规定日期之后上交的作业不能获得学分。

❾ 请不要代孩子写作业。Please do not ghostwrite your child's homework.

同类表达 We check her homework every night. 我们每天晚上都要检查她的作业。

❿ 大家在下课的时候把作业交上来。Everybody turn in your assignments at the end of the class.

对话 A: When are we supposed to hand in our homework? 我们该什么时候交作业呢?

B: Everybody turn in your assignments at the end of the class. 大家在下课的时候把作业交上来。