
英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-29  



School Opening: 开学

New Semester: 新学期

Registration: 注册

Curriculum: 课程

Orientation: 迎新

Class Schedule: 课程表

Homeroom Teacher: 班主任

Textbooks: 教科书

Classroom: 教室

Academic Year: 学年

School Uniform: 校服

Student Council: 学生会


The new school year is always a time of excitement and anticipation. As the summer vacation ends, students and teachers alike look forward to the fresh start that comes with the opening of school. The first day is filled with new faces, new classes, and new challenges. Registration is a bustling activity where students pick up their textbooks and familiarize themselves with their new schedules. Teachers prepare their classrooms and set expectations for the upcoming term. The atmosphere is one of hope and optimism, as everyone is eager to learn and grow. It's a time when old friendships are rekindled and new ones are formed. The school opening is not just the start of a new academic year; it's the beginning of countless possibilities.



❶ 请大家准时参加明天的开学典礼。Please participate at the opening ceremony tomorrow on time.

❷ 我终于见到了我的班级导师。I finally saw my homeroom teacher.

对话 A: I finally saw my homeroom teacher. 我终于见到了我的班级导师。

B: What kind of person is she? 她是个怎样的人?

❸ 我在这里正式欢迎大家来到耶鲁大学。I'd like to officially welcome all of you to Yale University.

同类表达 At the opening ceremony, the headmaster set high expectations for the students. 在开学典礼上,校长对同学们寄予了殷切的期望。

❹ 校长在开学典礼上发表了讲话。The headmaster made remarks at the opening ceremony.

❺ 那个女孩代表所有新生发表了讲话。The girl representing all the new students gave us a speech.

同类表达 It's my great honor to be here on behalf of all the freshmen. 非常荣幸能代表所有新生在这里发表讲话。

❻ 新学期的开学典礼将在9月21号举行。The new term's opening ceremony will be held on September 21st.

对话 A: The new term's opening ceremony will be held on September 21st. 新学期的开学典礼将在9月21号举行。

B: Wow, it's just around the corner. 哇,那快到了。

❼ 2014年我们共迎来了8 000名新生。In total we had 8,000 new students joining us in 2014.

同类表达 I have the delightful assignment of greeting about 500 first-year students every fall. 我很高兴每年秋天担任迎接500名新生的工作。

❽ 让我们对所有斯坦福的新生致以热烈的欢迎!Please join us to warmly welcome all the new students to Standford!

同类表达 Welcome all of you to become one of us. 欢迎你们成为我们中的一员。

❾ 学生会将召开迎新晚会。Students' Union is going to give a party to welcome the new students.

对话 A: Students' Union is going to give a party to welcome the new students. 学生会将召开迎新晚会。

B: That's great! 真是太棒了!

❿ 我从未经历过开学典礼,有点兴奋。Having never experienced an opening ceremony, I was a little bit excited.