
英语作文    发布时间:2024-04-08  



Chef - 厨师

Recipe - 食谱

Ingredients - 食材

Cooking methods - 烹饪方法

Seasoning - 调味品

Baking - 烘焙

Grilling - 烤

Boiling - 煮沸

Steaming - 蒸

Sauteing - 煎炒

Simmering - 炖煮

Roasting - 烤炙

Stir-frying - 炒菜

Blanching - 水煮

Marinating - 腌制


I love cooking because it allows me to be creative with flavors and textures. (我喜欢烹饪,因为它让我可以在口味和质地上发挥创意。)

The chef prepared a delicious meal using fresh ingredients from the local market. (厨师用当地市场新鲜的食材准备了一顿美味的餐点。)

It's important to follow the recipe carefully to ensure the dish turns out well. (认真按照食谱操作很重要,以确保菜肴成功。)

She enjoys experimenting with different cooking methods to enhance the flavors of her dishes. (她喜欢尝试不同的烹饪方法,以增强她的菜肴的口味。)

The secret to a great stir-fry is high heat and quick cooking. (一道出色的炒菜的秘诀在于高温和快速烹饪。)


Cooking: A Creative and Nourishing Art


Cooking is not merely a mundane task of preparing food; it is an art form that combines creativity, precision, and passion. With the right techniques and ingredients, one can transform simple ingredients into delectable masterpieces.


Cooking allows individuals to express themselves and showcase their cultural backgrounds through food. Different regions have their own culinary traditions, and each dish tells a unique story. Whether it's the spicy flavors of Indian cuisine or the delicate techniques of French cooking, every culture has its own distinct contribution to the culinary world.


Moreover, cooking is a nourishing art. It provides not only sustenance for the body but also feeds the soul. Sharing a home-cooked meal with loved ones creates a sense of warmth and togetherness. The act of cooking itself can be therapeutic, allowing individuals to relax and find solace in the process.


In conclusion, cooking goes beyond the act of preparing food. It is an artistic expression that combines flavors, techniques, and cultural influences. Whether one cooks as a hobby or pursues it professionally, the joy and satisfaction derived from creating something delicious are unparalleled. So, let us embrace the art of cooking and savor the flavors it brings to our lives.



❶ 我该准备什么吗?What should I prepare?

对话 A: What should I prepare? 我该准备什么吗?

B: Mix the pepper with vinegar. 把胡椒粉和醋混合在一起。

❷ 把牛肉炖烂为止。Braise the beef until it becomes tender.

对话 A: Braise the beef until it becomes tender. 把牛肉炖烂为止。

B: How long will it take? 需要多久呢?

A: At least one hour. 至少一个小时。

❸ 还没有搅拌好。It's still not mixed well enough.

❹ 我想把炖肉煨上五分钟。I want to leave the stew to simmer for five minutes.

对话 A: I want to leave the stew to simmer for five minutes. 我想把炖肉煨上五分钟。

B: You are supposed to turn the fire into gentle. 你应该使用文火。

❺ 我要给肉里加什么佐料?What spices am I going to add to the meat?

同类表达 What kind of spices is suitable to be put into the stew now? 你认为现在给炖菜加什么佐料好呢?

❻ 小心热油。Be careful with the hot oil.

同类表达 Watch out! There is a bowl of hot oil behind you. 小心!你身后有一碗热油。

Some hot oil splashed on me when I was frying meatballs. 我炸肉丸子的时候热油溅到身上了。

❼ 我怎么知道熟了没有?How do I know when they are ready?

对话 A: How do I know when they are ready? 我怎么知道熟了没有?

B: Deep fry them till they turn golden. 炸到金黄色就可以了。

❽ 不要把汤煮太久了。You should not cook the soup for too long.

对话 A: You should not cook the soup for too long. 你不要把汤煮太久了。

B: I see. I have turned off the gas. 我知道,我已经关火了。

❾ 肉要烧焦了。The meat will be scorched.

对话 A: Take the steak off the barbecue. The meat will be scorched. 把牛排从烧烤炉上拿下来。肉要烧焦了。

B: Yes, mom. 好的,妈妈。

❿ 该放西红柿了。Time to put the tomatoes in.

对话 A: When will you put the tomatoes in? 你什么时候放西红柿呢?

B: Time to put them in. 现在就该放了。