
英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-16  



  • Hate - 讨厌

  • I really hate doing the dishes. (我真的很讨厌洗碗。)

  • Dislike - 不喜欢

  • I dislike the taste of olives. (我不喜欢橄榄的味道。)

  • Loathe - 极度厌恶

  • She loathes the idea of going to the dentist. (她极度厌恶去看牙医的想法。)

  • Abhor - 憎恨

  • He abhors violence in any form. (他憎恨任何形式的暴力。)

  • Detest - 强烈厌恶

  • I detest dishonesty. (我强烈厌恶不诚实。)

  • Despise - 鄙视

  • He despises people who cheat. (他鄙视作弊的人。)

  • Disgust - 使反感

  • The smell of rotten eggs disgusts me. (腐烂鸡蛋的气味让我反感。)

  • Annoy - 使烦恼

  • His constant tapping annoys me. (他不断的敲击让我烦恼。)

  • Irritate - 使烦躁

  • The noise from the construction site irritates me. (工地的噪音让我烦躁。)

  • Bother - 使烦恼

  • The constant interruptions bother me. (不断的打扰让我烦恼。)



Person A: I can't stand the way he always interrupts during meetings.

Person B: Yeah, it's really annoying. I wish he would just listen for once.


Person A: I absolutely loathe the traffic during rush hour.

Person B: I know what you mean. It's so frustrating.


Person A: I despise when people don't clean up after themselves.

Person B: Absolutely. It's a sign of disrespect.


In my opinion, one of the most annoying habits is when people constantly check their phones during conversations. It's disrespectful and shows a lack of interest in what the other person is saying. I detest this behavior because it makes me feel like my words are not valued. I believe that when we engage in a conversation, we should give our full attention to the person we're talking to. This not only shows respect but also allows for a more meaningful exchange of ideas.



❶ 我不喜欢。I don't like it.

对话 A: How about the pink dress? 这条粉色的裙子怎么样?

B: That is totally your style. I don't like it. 那完全是你的风格。我不喜欢。

❷ 这真恶心。This is disgusting.

对话 A: Look at the grey photo. I think that is a dead animal on it. 看那张灰色的照片,我想那上面是一只死了的动物吧。

B: Stop it. This is disgusting. 别说了,这真恶心。

❸ 抱歉,我不是很感兴趣。Sorry, but that doesn't really interest me.

对话 A: How about having a drink with me? 和我喝一杯怎么样?

B: Sorry, but that doesn't really interest me. 抱歉,我不是很感兴趣。

❹ 真烦人!How annoying!

同类表达 It's very annoying.

对话 A: Why didn't you answer my call? 你为什么不回我的电话?

B: Stop calling me. How annoying! 不要再给我打电话了。真烦人!

❺ 我看不起你。I despise you.

同类表达 I look down on you.

❻ 别唠叨了!Stop nagging!

对话 A: Don't forget your baggage! And you'd better put your ID in your… 别忘了你的行李。你最好把身份证放在你的……

B: Stop nagging! 别唠叨了!

❼ 真无聊! It's boring.

同类表达 It's dull. 没劲。

对话 A: Do you want to watch that movie? 你想看那部电影吗?

B: No, I heard it was boring. 不,听说它很无聊。

❽ 我不感兴趣。I'm not interested.

对话 A: So, when do you want to go out with me? 你什么时候能和我约会呢?

B: I'm not interested in you. 我对你不感兴趣。

❾ 我不满意。I'm not satisfied.

同类表达 I'm dissatisfied.

I'm not happy about it.

I'm not content.

❿ 我再也忍受不了了。I can't stand it any longer.

同类表达 I can't take it anymore.

It's the last straw.