高频情景口语对话:打扫 打扫的英语词汇和作文

英语作文    发布时间:2023-12-25  



Clean - 清洁

Sweep - 扫

Mop - 拖地

Dust - 掸尘

Vacuum - 吸尘

Wipe - 擦拭

Scrub - 擦洗

Polish - 擦亮

Disinfect - 消毒

De-clutter - 整理杂物

Organize - 整理

Tidy up - 收拾整齐

Make the bed - 铺床

Do the dishes - 洗碗

Laundry - 洗衣

Iron - 熨烫

Hang up clothes - 晾衣服

Clean the windows - 擦窗户

Empty the trash - 倒垃圾

Clean the bathroom - 清洁浴室

Clean the kitchen - 清洁厨房

Clean the living room - 清洁客厅

Clean the bedroom - 清洁卧室

Clean the office - 清洁办公室

Clean the car - 清洁汽车

Spring cleaning - 春季大扫除

Deep clean - 深度清洁

Surface clean - 表面清洁

Spot clean - 局部清洁

Clean out - 彻底清理

Clean up after - 清理某人留下的脏乱

Cleanliness - 清洁度

Hygiene - 卫生

Housekeeping - 家务管理

Chores - 家务活

Cleaning supplies - 清洁用品

Cleaning products - 清洁产品

Cleaning crew - 清洁团队

Cleaning service - 清洁服务

Cleaning schedule - 清洁计划


A: Hey, are you free today? I need some help cleaning my apartment.


B: Sure, I can help you clean. What do you need me to do?


A: Great! First, we need to dust all the furniture and shelves.


B: Okay, I'll grab a duster and start dusting everything.


A: Thank you! While you're doing that, I'll vacuum the floors.


B: Sounds like a plan. After dusting, I'll help you with the vacuuming.


A: Perfect! Once the floors are clean, we can move on to cleaning the bathroom.


B: Alright, I'll make sure to scrub the bathtub and clean the toilet.


A: Thank you so much for your help. It's great to have a clean and tidy place.


B: You're welcome! I'm glad to be able to help. It's important to keep our living space clean.


A: Absolutely. Let's get started and make this place spotless!




Every Saturday, my family has a tradition of dedicating the day to cleaning our home. This routine not only keeps our living space tidy but also strengthens our family bond.

We start the morning with a hearty breakfast, energizing ourselves for the day ahead. After breakfast, we divide the chores among family members. My father usually takes on the task of vacuuming the living room and dining area, while my mother tackles the kitchen, ensuring it is spotless and disinfected.

I am responsible for my bedroom, which includes making the bed, dusting the furniture, and organizing my study area. My younger sister is in charge of the bathroom, which involves scrubbing the sink, toilet, and shower, as well as wiping down the mirrors.

In the afternoon, we switch tasks to keep things interesting. I might help my mother in the kitchen, while my father assists with the bathroom. We also take turns cleaning the windows, which is a fun activity as we can see the world outside while working.

By the end of the day, our home is sparkling clean, and we feel a sense of accomplishment. We reward ourselves with a family movie night, enjoying the fruits of our labor in a clean and comfortable environment.

This weekly cleaning ritual has taught me the importance of maintaining a clean and organized space. It has also shown me that working together as a family can make even the most mundane tasks enjoyable.








❶ 真够脏乱的!What a mess!

同类表达 Your room is a mess. 你的房间真乱。

对话 A: Look at this room. What a mess! It's your turn to clean up the room. 看看这房间,多乱啊!该你打扫房间了。

B: Yeah, I know. I'll do it later. 是的,我知道。我一会儿就打扫。

❷ 这地方跟猪圈一样。This place is a pigsty.

同类表达 This place is dirty. 这地方真脏呀。

This place is a mess! 这地方真乱!

❸ 我必须洗衣服了。I have to do the laundry.

同类表达 The laundry has really piled up. 要洗的衣服都堆成山了。

❹ 你可以把它挂起来。You can hang it up.

同类表达 Fold these clothes and put them in the wardrobe. 把衣服叠起来放到衣柜里。

Don't squeeze the clothes to dry them. 不能用手拧干衣服。

❺ 洗衣完毕后,把洗衣机擦干净。Wipe down the washing machine after using it.

对话 A: Honey, I'm leaving. Remember to wipe down the washing machine after using it. 亲爱的,我走了。洗完衣服后,记得把洗衣机擦干净。

B: I know. Come back earlier if possible. 我知道。尽量早点回来。

❻ 我要整理衣柜,夏天来了。I'll organize my wardrobe since summer is coming.

同类表达 I'll put these clothes in the wardrobe since summer is coming. 夏天到了,我得把这些衣服放到衣柜里去了。

❼ 请用吸尘器把整个房子打扫一下。Please vacuum the whole house.

同类表达 Please mop the floor. 请拖拖地。

Please dust the shelves. 掸掸架子上的土。

❽ 请把地板上的纸屑扫走。Please sweep the scraps of paper off the floor.

❾ 开窗给房间通通风。Open the window and air the room.

同类表达 Why not open the window and air the room? 为什么不开窗透透气呢?

The room has an offensive smell. 房间里的味道难闻死了。

❿ 收拾后,一切都井井有条了。Everything is in order.

对话 A: Your house is so clean and tidy. 你们家里真整洁呀。

B: Of course, everything is in order due to my mom's work. 当然,因为我妈妈的操劳,一切都井井有条。
