
英语作文    发布时间:2023-12-22  



1. 房屋类型:
- Apartment:公寓
- House:房子
- Studio:单间公寓
- Townhouse:联排别墅
- Condo:共有产权公寓

2. 房屋特点:
- Furnished:带家具的
- Unfurnished:不带家具的
- Single room:单人间
- Double room:双人间
- Ensuite:带独立卫生间的房间
- Shared bathroom:共用浴室
- Balcony:阳台
- Basement:地下室

3. 租房过程:
- Rent:租金
- Lease:租约
- Security deposit:押金
- Utilities:公共事业费用(如水、电、燃气等)
- Renters insurance:租客保险
- Application fee:申请费
- Credit check:信用检查
- Background check:背景调查
- Move-in date:入住日期
- Move-out date:搬出日期

4. 查看房源:
- Available:可租的
- For rent:出租
- Real estate agent:房地产经纪人
- Property manager:物业经理
- Open house:公开参观
- Schedule a viewing:安排看房

5. 租房相关表达:
- I'm looking for a place to rent:我正在找房子租
- Can you show me the rental listings?:你能给我看看出租房源吗?
- What's the monthly rent?:月租金是多少?
- Is the rent inclusive of utilities?:租金包含公共事业费用吗?
- I'd like to sign a lease:我想签一份租约
- When can I move in?:我什么时候可以搬进去?
- What's the notice period for terminating the lease?:终止租约的通知期限是多久?


A: Hi, I'm interested in renting the apartment you have listed. Can you tell me more about it?

B: Sure, it's a two-bedroom apartment located in a quiet neighborhood. It has a spacious living room, a kitchen, and one bathroom. The rent is $1,500 per month.

A: That sounds great. When will it be available?

B: It's available starting next month. If you're interested, we can set up a time for you to view it.

A: Yes, I would like to see it. Can we schedule a viewing for this weekend?

B: Of course. How about Saturday at 2 pm? Does that work for you?

A: Yes, Saturday at 2 pm works for me. Can you send me the address and any other details I need to know?

B: Yes, I'll send you all the details via email. Is there anything else you would like to know?

A: Yes, are utilities included in the rent?

B: No, the utilities are not included. You would be responsible for paying for electricity, water, and gas.

A: Okay, thank you for letting me know. I look forward to seeing the apartment on Saturday.

B: You're welcome. See you on Saturday!

A: 嗨,我对你所列出的公寓感兴趣。你能告诉我更多关于它的情况吗?

B: 当然,这是一个位于安静社区的两居室公寓。它有一个宽敞的客厅、一个厨房和一个浴室。租金为每月1500美元。

A: 听起来很不错。它什么时候可以入住?

B: 下个月开始就可以入住了。如果你感兴趣,我们可以安排一个时间给你看房。

A: 是的,我想看一下。我们可以安排这个周末看房吗?

B: 当然可以。周六下午两点怎么样?对你来说可以吗?

A: 好的,周六下午两点对我来说可以。你能把地址和其他需要知道的细节发给我吗?

B: 当然可以。我会通过电子邮件将所有细节发送给你。还有什么需要了解的吗?

A: 是的,租金包括公用事业吗?

B: 不包括,公用事业费用需要你自己支付,包括电费、水费和燃气费。

A: 好的,谢谢你告诉我。我期待着在周六看到公寓。

B: 不用客气。周六见!


Renting a House

Renting a house is a common practice for many people, especially those who are not yet ready to purchase their own home. There are several factors to consider when looking for a rental property. Firstly, the location of the house plays a crucial role. It should be in a safe and convenient neighborhood, close to essential amenities such as schools, supermarkets, and public transportation.

Secondly, the size and layout of the house are important considerations. The house should have enough space to accommodate the needs of the tenant, whether it's a small apartment for a single person or a larger house for a family. A well-designed layout can enhance the comfort and functionality of the living space.

Another significant factor is the cost of rent. It is essential to find a property that fits within one's budget while also offering good value for the price. Additionally, understanding what is included in the rent, such as utilities or maintenance fees, is crucial for financial planning.

Furthermore, the terms of the lease agreement should be carefully reviewed. It's important to understand the responsibilities of both the tenant and the landlord, as well as any rules or restrictions that may apply. Clear communication and documentation are key to avoiding misunderstandings in the future.

In conclusion, renting a house involves careful consideration of various factors such as location, size, cost, and lease terms. By taking these factors into account, one can find a suitable rental property that meets their needs and provides a comfortable living environment.








❶ 广告上说您有一间空房要出租。The advertisement says you have a vacant apartment to let.

同类表达 I heard you might have a spare room. 听说你有一间空房。

I heard you have an extra room for rent. 听说你有空房要出租。

❷ 这公寓里有家具吗?Is this flat furnished?

对话 A: Is this flat furnished? 带家具吗?

B: Yes, this is all my furniture here. 带,我所有家具都在这儿。

❸ 公寓附近有超市吗?Is there a supermarket near the apartment?

对话 A: Is there a supermarket near the apartment? 公寓附近有超市吗?

B: Yes, just across the street. 有,就在街对面。

❹ 我比较喜欢朝南的房间。I would prefer a room with southern exposure.

同类表达 I'd like to rent either a studio or a one-bedroom apartment. 我想租一间小套房或是一室一厅的公寓。

❺ (这间屋子)采光很充足。It gets plenty of sunlight.

对话 A: Does the room receive much sunlight? 房子里采光好不好?

B: It gets plenty of sunlight. 这间屋子采光很充足。

❻ 我什么时候能住进这间公寓?When will the apartment be ready for me to move in?

对话 A: When will the apartment be ready for me to move in? 我什么时候能住进这间公寓?

B: You can move in in two months. 你可以在两个月后搬进来。

❼ 你对这所公寓还满意吗?Are you satisfied with the flat?

这样回答 This apartment looks nice. 这所公寓看着不错。

It's a pleasant apartment. 这所公寓很舒服。

❽ 房租每月多少钱?How much is the rent per month?

同类表达 What's the rent? 房租多少钱?

对话 A: How much is the rent per month? 房租每月多少钱?

B: 2,500 yuan per month. 每个月2 500元。

A: I think the rent for this room is too high. 我觉得这间屋子的租金太高了。

❾ 水、电、燃气费都包含在内吗?Are utilities included in the rent?

同类表达 Does that include utilities? 那包括水、电、燃气费吗?

Are utilities included? 水、电、燃气费都包括了吗?

❿ 我的预算大概是2 000元。My price expectation is around 2,000 yuan .