
英语作文    发布时间:2024-04-08  



Price - 价格

Inflation - 通货膨胀

Deflation - 通货紧缩

Consumer Price Index (CPI) - 消费者物价指数

Cost of living - 生活成本

Price hike - 物价上涨

Price cut - 物价下降

Supply and demand - 供求关系

Market competition - 市场竞争

Price stability - 价格稳定


The price of housing has been steadily increasing in the past few years. (房价在过去几年里持续上涨。)

Inflation erodes the purchasing power of consumers. (通货膨胀削弱了消费者的购买力。)

The government implemented measures to control the rising cost of living. (政府采取措施控制不断上涨的生活成本。)

The company reduced prices to attract more customers. (公司降低价格以吸引更多顾客。)

Supply and demand dynamics play a crucial role in determining market prices. (供求关系动态在决定市场价格方面起着至关重要的作用。)


The Impact of Price Changes on Consumers


Price changes have a significant impact on consumers' daily lives and purchasing behavior. Whether it's the rising cost of essential goods or unexpected price surges, consumers are constantly affected by changes in prices.


One of the most common effects of price changes is the impact on the cost of living. When prices rise, consumers may find it more challenging to afford basic necessities such as food, housing, and healthcare. This can lead to financial strain and a decrease in the overall standard of living.


Price changes also influence consumer behavior. When prices increase, consumers may choose to cut back on non-essential purchases or switch to cheaper alternatives. This can have a significant impact on businesses, as they may experience a decline in sales and profitability.


Inflation and deflation are two important concepts related to price changes. Inflation refers to a general increase in the price level over a period of time, while deflation refers to a general decrease in the price level. Both inflation and deflation have various economic implications and can significantly affect consumers' purchasing power and overall economic stability.


In conclusion, price changes have a profound impact on consumers. They affect the cost of living, consumer behavior, and overall economic stability. It is important for individuals and policymakers to understand and monitor price changes to make informed decisions and ensure a sustainable economy.



❶ 物价持续上涨。The prices are rising.

对话 A: The prices are rising. 物价持续上涨。

B: Yes, I bought a coat costing me 1,000 yuan . 是啊,我花了1 000元买了一件外套。

❷ 物价始终保持稳定。Prices remain stable throughout.

对话 A: Prices remain stable throughout. 物价始终保持稳定。

B: But it's said that the price will rise. 但是听说物价会上涨。

❸ 日用品价格疯涨。There is a price hike in daily necessities.

对话 A: Do you know how much these daily necessities cost? It's outrageous. 你知道这些日用品花了多少钱吗?高得离谱。

B: I know. There is a new round of price hike in daily necessities. 我知道。日用品又有一轮价格疯涨。

❹ 油价持续上涨,我现在是油奴。I am a gas slave because the oil price keeps rising.

同类表达 The gas price is rising like a rocket; I can't keep up with it. 油价猛涨,真是扛不住了。

❺ 什么价格都在涨,除了我们的工资。The price for everything is sky-rocketing except for our salaries.

❻ 油价涨了一倍。The oil price has doubled.

对话 A: The oil price has doubled since February. 油价自2月以来涨了一倍。

B: That's impressive. I feel the life is tougher. 太让人震惊了,我感觉生活更加艰难了。

❼ 每样东西都涨了。The cost of everything is rising.

对话 A: The gasoline price is soaring. It's hard for me to afford it. 油价一路飙升,我都快付不起了。

B: The cost of everything is rising. 每样东西都涨了。

❽ 物价涨得厉害,我只能多打几份工了。To such an extent do prices rise that I have to take more jobs.

对话 A: To such an extent do prices rise that I have to take more jobs. 物价涨得厉害,我只能多打几份工了。

B: Don't give yourself too much pressure. 别给自己太多压力了。

❾ 这几个月物价涨得厉害。The prices have hit the roof these months.

同类表达 There is a price hike. 物价飞涨。

❿ 我们对涨价很是气愤。We are so indignant about the increased prices.