
英语作文    发布时间:2024-08-27  

在日常英语中,准确地表达时间、数量和程度是非常重要的,这不仅有助于清晰地传达信息,还能避免误解。了解如何用不同的方式表示约数、倍数以及比较,可以提升我们使用语言的灵活性和准确性。本文将探讨几种常见的表示方式,包括用“or so”表示大约,用“over”表示超过,以及用“twice as”表示倍数等。这些语法知识不仅对学术写作有帮助,在日常交流中同样重要。


In the past thirty years or so, scientists have been able to “see” farther and farther into sky.



有关约数的表示法, or so表示“左右”,“大约”可以用about, nearly, some 和 around等表示,用over, more long 可以表示“多余、超过”的意思。用or more和or less 来表示“或......以上”和“或......以下”的意思。基数词常位于another和all后面,such和more的前面,可以谓语last, next和other的前面或后面。


(1) The pig weights abouts 60 pounds.


语法分析:用about, nearly, some和around等词表示“大约”。

(2) The road is over 3,000 meters long.


语法分析:用over, more long可以表示“多于、超过”等意思。

(3) He is less than fifteen years old.


语法分析:“少于、不超过”用less than 表示。

(4) This room is twice as big as that one.


语法分析:主语 + 谓语 + 倍数或分数 + as + 形容词 + as 句式表示倍数。

(5) I offer ten times the amount of money that he has borrowed.


语法分析:主语 + 谓语 + 倍数或分数 + as + the size + of 句式表示倍数。

(6) Line A is four times longer than Line B.


语法分析:主语 + 谓语 + 倍数或分数 + 形容词或副词比较级 + than句式表示倍数。


(1) The hall can hold 100 people _____ more.

(2) There are 1,000 workers _____ less in our factory.

(3) I have four times _____ many books as you.

(4) We shall produce twice as much gram _____ we did in last year.

(5) The length of this rope is three times the _____ of that one.

(6) She has four times _____ money than I have.

(7) The grain output is 5 percent higher this year _____ than of last year.

(8) The production of iron has been increased _____ five times this year.


(1) or (2) or (3) as (4) as (5) length (6) more (7) than (8) by