词根flect, flex
flex词根的含义:bend: 弯曲
flex词根的解释:bend 弯曲
flex词根的来源:  来源于拉丁语 flectere (v.) 弯曲,它们属于一对同源异形根,前者是此词的不定式词干,在英语中常构成动词,而后者是此词的动名词词干,在英语中一般出现在名词和形容词中。它们的异形同义词根是:sinu,tors,tort,campto 弯曲,后者为它相应的希腊语词根,不常使用,如:camptocormia 躯干弯曲。词例:


deflect 偏斜,打歪v.
de 向下 + flect 弯曲 → 向下弯 → 偏斜
The minute droplets in the layer of fog deflect sunlight in such a way to produce concentric rings and overlapping colors .
flex 弯曲v.
As you slowly return to the starting position , turn your palms toward the ceiling , flex your arms and curl the dumbbells in toward your shoulders .
flexible 易弯曲的;灵活的adj.
flex 弯曲 + ible 能…的 → 易弯曲的;灵活的
The working hours here are flexible .
inflect 使弯曲v.
in 使… + flect 弯曲 → 使弯曲
He is such a fool as to think that his strange behaviour can inflect others .
inflexible 不可弯曲的;不屈服的adj.
in 不 + flexible 易弯曲的;灵活的 → 不可弯曲的;不屈服的
The public description of the meeting leaves the reader with a one-dimensional impression of the north koreans as inflexible .
reflect 反射v.
re 反 + flect 弯曲 →〔光线〕向回返 → 反射
They reflect shifts in the global economy .