At the same time , however , many more women will drop out of the race altogether , looking at the newly inflexible way of working and deciding they would rather not compete at all .
Compulsive or driven exercise ; inflexible exercise routine .
But they 're ordinarily made of hard , inflexible materials , which are also usually toxic .
Yet despite all the advances in biological science , this industry still relies on capital-intensive , inflexible and old-fashioned technologies , such as producing vaccines from millions of chicken eggs .
The public description of the meeting leaves the reader with a one-dimensional impression of the north koreans as inflexible .
Countries are at least paying lip-service to that , with france vowing to act within eu rules even if it attacks brussels for being too inflexible .
Mr jobs had a reputation as a control freak , and his critics complained that the products and systems he designed were closed and inflexible , in the name of greater ease of use .
Growth slowed from the 1980s , and the system was too inflexible to adjust .