flict词根的含义:strike: 打击
- afflict 使苦恼;折磨v.
- af 加强 + flict 打击 → 一再打击 → 折磨
- Economic woes afflict many at the moment .
- 经济灾难此刻折磨着许多人。
- affliction 苦恼;苦难n.
- afflict的名词
- I do not understand why affliction has been permitted to smite me .
- 我不明白为甚么神应许苦难来侵袭我。
- conflict 冲突n.
- con 共同 + flict 打击 → 两边打斗 → 冲突
- Are trade and environment in conflict ?
- 贸易和环境有冲突吗?
- inflict 使…遭受v.
- in 使… + flict 打击 → 使受打击 → 使…遭受
- Lasting power shortages could cripple manufacturing and inflict worse damage on japan 's exports .
- 供电短缺可能使制造业受损,对日本出口造成更严重的损失。
- infliction 痛苦;负担n.
- inflict的名词
- Mere infliction of punishment for sin would be insufficient .
- 仅仅是对罪施加惩罚是不够的。