词根-sid-, -sess-


assiduous 勤奋的adj.
as 加强 + sid 坐 + uous …的 → 一直坐着〔学习〕→ 勤奋的
Richard iii , though softened and cleaned up by assiduous researchers , still limps murderously through the public imagination .
consider 考虑v.
con 共同 + sid 坐 + er 反复动作,连续动作;拟声动作 → 坐在一起思考 → 考虑
Would you consider yourself a feminist ?
considerate 考虑周到的adj.
consider 考虑 + ate 有…性质的 → 考虑周到的
While they may not be romantic they are considerate and committed .
dissidence 意见不同n.
dis 分开 + sid 坐 + ence 表状态 → 意见不同
dissident 持不同意见的adj.
dis 分开 + sid 坐 + ent 具有…性质的,关于…的 → 分开坐 → 持不同意见的
Shots were fired ; a photographer was wounded , allegedly by dissident republicans .
insidious 阴险的adj.
in 向内 + sid 坐 + ious …的 → 坐在幕后的〔坏人〕→ 阴险的
Meanwhile , protectionism continues its rise in insidious ways .
preside 主持v.
pre 前 + sid 坐 + e → 在前面坐 → 主持
That dream is why someone who began by sweeping the floors of his father 's cincinnati bar can preside as speaker of the house in the greatest nation on earth . ( Applause . )
president 总统;校长n.
pre 前;预先 + sid 坐 + ent 表人 → 在前面坐的人 → 总统
Title : former president , north america
presidium 主席团n.
pre 前;预先 + sid 坐 + ium 表地方或团体 → 坐在前面的团体 → 主席团
Chapter Four discusses other issues of the presidium .
reside 居住v.
re 重新 + sid 坐 + e → 重新坐下 → 安定下来 → 居住
He said too reside in the sukhabati heaven in peaceful meditation .
residence 居住;住宅n.
re 重新 + sid 坐 + ence 性质,状态,行为 → 居住;住宅
It may have to abandon its embassy and residence in tehran .
residue 残余n.
re 向后 + sid 坐 + ue → 残余
Each of us leave residue when we pass .
sedate 文静的adj.
sed 坐 + ate 具有…的,有…性质的 → 老老实实坐着 → 文静的
Delightful celadon gives a person sedate and refined feeling .
sedentary 坐着的;久坐的adj.
sed 坐 + ent 具有…性质的,关于…的 + ary …的 → 坐着的;久坐的
Will she suddenly wake up and say , " hey , I never realised what fun a sedentary life could be ! "
subside 沉淀;平息v.
sub 下 + sid 坐 + e → 向下坐 → 下沉 → 沉淀
On day three , the pain began to subside .
subsidiary 补助的adj.
sub 下 + sid 坐 + iary → 坐在下面〔帮助别人〕→ 补助的
Repsol had previously been considering a flotation for the subsidiary .
subsidy 补助金n.
sub 下 + sid 坐 + y 表结果 → 补助金
America 's ethanol subsidy is a particularly egregious offender .
supersede 取代v.
super 上 + sed 坐 + e → 坐到别人上面 → 取代
This gleco would supersede the g20 and g8 as the governing body of the global economy .