
所属栏目:英语口语    2024-10-16      

beat around the bush 原意为“敲打灌木丛(以寻找猎物)”,引申为“旁敲侧击,说话拐弯抹角” 例句: Don't beat around the bush, come straight to the point! 别拐弯抹角,直截了当地说吧! I had trouble telling Pedro he'd lost his job. I started beating around the bush and talking about one door closing and another door opening. 佩德罗丢了工作,告诉他我怕会有麻烦,于是我开始拐弯抹角说一扇门关闭了另一扇门就会打开。 A: Stop beating around the bush and tell me what the problem is. 别再说话拐弯抹角的了,直接告诉我到底有什么问题。 B: The problem is: I hate camping! 问题就是:我不喜欢去露营。