
所属栏目:英语口语    2024-10-15      

stall to delay taking action or avoid giving an answer in order to have more time to make a decision or get an advantage 拖延 例句: She says she'll give me the money next week but I think she's just stalling (for time). 她说下周会把钱给我,但我认为她只不过是在拖时间。 If you stall a person, you delay them or prevent them from doing something for a period of time. 如果你stall某人,你就拖延他们或阻止他们在一段时间内做某事。 例句: The thief broke into the office while his accomplice stalled off the security guard. 小偷趁同伙拖住保安之际,闯进了办公室。