
所属栏目:英语口语    2024-08-24      

"the upper hand" 优势,上风,处于有利地位。常见的搭配形式是: have the upper hand 或者是get the upper hand,意思是“占上风,占有优势”。我们从字面上可以这么看,想象自己在和别人掰手腕,谁的手在上面,当然是谁就有优势了,被压在下面不能翻身,要输掉比赛。这么想,就很容易理解了。 Win over the middle section step by step and we will get the upper hand. 要把中间派一步一步地争取过来,这样,我们就占优势了。 John is always trying to get the upper hand on someone. 约翰总是想占别人的上风。 The two sides were so well-matched that neither could gain the upper hand. 双方旗鼓相当,胜负难分。