
所属栏目:英语口语    2024-08-23      

"get wind of (something)" To become aware of something, especially something being kept secret, through indirect means. 知道、了解到某事,尤其是这件事还被当作秘密刻意隐瞒时 I don't want Amy to get any wind of this until I'm ready. 在我没有准备好之前,我不想让艾美听到任何风声。 I don't want the public, and especially not the press, to get wind of it at this stage. 我不想让公众,尤其是新闻界,在这个阶段听到什么风声。 If they get wind of what we are doing, we'll then be in a very passive position. 假如他们听到风声,知道我们在搞什么,我们就很被动了。