
所属栏目:英语口语    2024-07-26      

"be the luck of the draw" The phrase "luck of the draw" means that sometimes people have limited control over what life brings them. "luck of the draw"的意思是有时候人生难以预料下一步会发生什么事情,不管是好事还是坏事。 Many things depend on chance, or luck. 很多事情都取决于机会或运气。 This expression comes from a drawing--a contest where names or numbers are randomly chosen for a prize. 这个表达源于一种抽签活动——随机抽取姓名或数字来获取奖励。 You can't choose who you play against - it's just the luck of the draw. 你无法选择比赛对手——全靠你的运气了。