
所属栏目:英语口语    2024-05-30      

be that as it may" 它的意思是,“这可能是真的,但是……”或者“我明白你在说什么,然而……”,本质上都是表示你已了解某人说过的话,同时你还是并不认同。举个例子,我知道你说过你不想去,因为天气又冷又下雨,就算天气这件事是真的不好,但是比赛是在室内举行的,那里很暖和,所以我认为我们还是应该去。 I know you said you don't want to go because it's cold and rainy, and be that as it may/yes that may be true, but the event is inside where it's warm, so I think we should still go. 同义表达:Even if that is the case; whether that is true or not; nevertheless. 英文释义: used to mean that you accept that a piece of information is true but it does not change your opinion of the subject you are discussing 用来表示你接受某条信息是真的,但它不会改变你对正在讨论的话题的看法;就算是那样 例句: Yes, my daughter made a mistake. But be that as it may, this punishment is much too severe. 是的,我女儿犯错了。但是,就算是这样,这种惩罚还是太严厉了。