
所属栏目:英语口语    2024-02-24      

twist someone's arm To twist someone’s arm literally means to take a person’s arm and turn it around, which could be really painful if you take it exactly word-for-word. If your arm has been twisted it means that someone has done a great job of convincing you to do something you might not have wanted to to do. 从字面上看,to twist someone's arm的意思是抓住一个人的胳膊一拧,如果真的是字面上这样的话,那真的会很疼。如果你的胳膊被人拧了,那就是说某人强迫你做了一件你不怎么想做的事。 And if you manage to twist someone else’s arm it means that you’re great at convincing them, and they’ve finally agreed to do something after you’ve been begging them. 如果你成功拧过别人的胳膊,那就是说你非常擅长说服某人,在你的说服之下人们会最终妥协。 twist someone's arm 指给某人施加压力,迫使他做你要他做的事。 I didn't want to see that movie about Mozart, but my roomate twisted my arm. 我本来不想去看那个有关莫扎特的电影的。可是,我同房间的同学硬逼着要我去。