
所属栏目:英语口语    2024-02-25      

go cold turkey To go cold turkey means to suddenly quit or stop addictive or dangerous behavior such as smoking or drinking alcohol. 突然完全戒除某个习惯性或者危险的行为,比如像是吸烟或者喝酒 This idiom is said to have originated in the early 20th century and suggests that a person who suddenly quits something addictive such as drugs or alcohol suffers from side effects that make them look and feel like a cold, uncooked turkey. This includes pale (very white) skin and goosebumps (little small bumps on the skin when we're cold or sick). 这个习语据说起源于20世纪初,指的是一个人突然戒掉一些让人上瘾的东西,比如毒品或酒精,同时会产生副作用,让他们看起来和感觉都像一只冷的、未煮熟的火鸡。他们看起来都是皮肤苍白带着鸡皮疙瘩(当我们感到冷或生病时会在皮肤上起的小疙瘩)。 Going cold turkey is definitely not the best way to quit smoking. 立马完全停止吸烟绝对不是戒烟的最好办法。