- 但爱国主义并不需要采取沙文主义或封闭的形式,关注全世界人民的福祉,尊重普遍人权和相信普遍正义可以和爱国主义携手并进。
- But patriotism does not need to take a chauvinistic or insular form . It can go hand in hand with a concern for the welfare of people everywhere , with a respect for universal human rights and a belief in universal justice .
- 在坦陀罗,科学与神秘主义手牵手,就像纵欲与禁欲一样。
- In tantra , science and mysticism go hand in hand , as do sensuality and asceticism .
- 在坦陀罗,科学与神秘主义手牵手,就像纵欲与禁欲一样。
- In tantra , science and mysticism go hand in hand , as do sensuality and asceticism .