- 曾子是我国古代重要的思想家、教育家,是孔子学说的主要继承人和传播者,其政治观、孝道观、修养观对后人产生积极的影响,在海内外享有较高的声誉。
- Tseng tzu was a great thinker , educator in china , and the main descendent and disseminator of confucius . His political views , filial thoughts , and cultural ideals has made a positive affect on afterworld that enjoys good reputation overseas .
- 曾子是我国古代重要的思想家、教育家,是孔子学说的主要继承人和传播者,其政治观、孝道观、修养观对后人产生积极的影响,在海内外享有较高的声誉。
- Tseng tzu was a great thinker , educator in china , and the main descendent and disseminator of confucius . His political views , filial thoughts , and cultural ideals has made a positive affect on afterworld that enjoys good reputation overseas .
- 尽管塞缪尔约翰逊以他1755年出版的词典而出名,但他未获得作为一个语源学家而受到的尊敬。
- Although samuel johnson was celebrated for his dictionary published in 1755 , he didn 't have a great reputation as an etymologist .