- 麋鹿的种群数字超过了3万头这是黄石公园里最大的一种大型哺乳动物。
- Population figures for elk are in excess of 30000-the largest population of any large mammal species in yellowstone .
- 树林里常有麋鹿和熊出没,旅客留言簿里记满了亲手为松树和鸟儿喂食的故事。
- Elk and bears regularly walk underneath , and the visitor book is filled with stories of feeding squirrels and birds by hand .
- 处于发情期的麋鹿集聚在一起,偶尔可以在盆地中辨认出来。
- In fall , the bull elk are in full rut and occasionally can be spotted in the basin as they gather their harems .