- 一只鸽子看见,扔下一段树枝,将他救起。
- Seeing this , a dove threw a small branch into the river .
- 在贝纳通实体店以及在线商店中都可以看到这只鸽子的形象,并且她将会在世界各地展出来为此次宣传活动助威。
- The image of the dove will be visible in benetton stores and online , and the art itself will be exhibited around the world to promote the campaign .
- 姆利塔的象征,在许多展览上都能看到,乍一看觉得像只鸽子,也是和平的国际标志。
- The symbol of mleeta , seen on multiple displays , looks at first like a dove , the international sign of peace .
- 该杂志对训练有素的信鸽以及正在成长中的私人赌鸽繁荣市场,提高了鸽子的竞赛训练水准。
- The pigeon promoted competitive racing between highly trained homers and contributed to the development of a flourishing market for betting on individual birds .
- 但是,缩小战鸽装备之间的差距并不是件一蹴而就的事。
- Yet closing the pigeon gap proved to be no simple matter .
- 他既和高贵的人通信,也向农民和养鸽人学习。
- He corresponded with lofty men of learning , but also with farmers and pigeon breeders .