- 当然在英国我并没有看到大混乱,而是看到人们仍旧去工作,孩子仍旧去上学,没有一张脸带着口罩。
- Except that in the uk I don 't see this pandemonium . I see people going to work , children going to school , and not a face mask in sight .
- melaniebromley是美国周刊杂志西海岸的总编,为bbc报道了洛杉矶当时混乱的情况。
- Melanie bromley , west coast bureau chief of us weekly magazine , told the bbc the scene in los angeles was one of " pandemonium " .
- 她推测她自己最严重的发作是由出生时激素混乱引发的,状况更像是躁郁症、躁狂症和其他情绪失调。
- While she speculates that her own worst episodes were triggered by the hormonal pandemonium accompanying birth , the condition is more commonly a symptom of manic depression , mania , and other mood disorders .