- 三维x线吸收仪(3d-xa):一种应用双能x线吸收设备再建人骨的方法。
- Three-dimensional x-ray absorptiometry ( 3d-xa ) : a method for reconstruction of human bones using a dual x-ray absorptiometry device .
- 她记得当时医院共有三个停尸房,里面用福尔马林浸泡着许多尸体、人骨和人体器官。
- She remembers when there were three hospital morgue , which soaked with formalin many dead bodies , human bones and body organs .
- 狰狞的面具在墙上朝下睨视,柜台上摆着各种各样的人骨,生锈的尖齿状的器械从天花板挂下来。
- Evil-looking masks stared down from the walls , an assortment of human bones lay upon the counter , and rusty , spiked instruments hung from the ceiling .
- 通过进一步研究公认的充当“脚手架”功能的骨骼也许会揭开更多的秘密。
- More secrets may be revealed by research into the skeleton 's more acknowledged role of scaffolding .
- 但我们从来没发现过一块完整的霸王龙骨架,霸王龙是最有名的一种恐龙。
- But we 've never even found a complete skeleton of a tyrannosaurus rex , the most famous dinosaur .
- 十字架的轮廓是由白色的霓虹灯围成的,这一圈儿亮光就像尸体一样惨白、像骨架一样纤细。
- The crucifix is outlined in white neon as cold as a corpse and as thin as a skeleton .